I think my roommates got us into a prank war. Not that I’m complaining. Now I have an excuse to get involved. It started with some jingle bells. Well, I guess if you wanna go way back, it really started with a marker board at the beginning of the year. The marker board is long gone now, so we’re back to jingle bells.
Here’s the rundown. These three jingle bells somehow found their way onto our door one by one. There they remained for a good 2 or 3 weeks. One night, they were replaced with three tampons. Though we all thought it was hilarious, J felt the need to retaliate. A few days later (before he’d come up with a plan), we opened our door to find everything upside down and a few additions on the wall outside. Next, their sorority postings ran away. Over the weekend, some popcorn became mysteriously attracted to their door. Finally, this morning we woke up to this:

It says, “Don’t Mess with the BEST! Grrrrr! – Putnam 18.”
Pretty weak if you ask me.
So now we’re thinking it’s time to take this to the next level and find out who’s really the best.