For the third time in 24 hours I’m at the desk. Three times doesn’t sound like much, but when you consider it’s for a total of 11 hours with very little to do, and nowhere to go…it’s not the greatest. Since I don’t have much to do for a change, I’m actually getting to browse the net. You can find some really interesting things if you know where to look. Try these on for size: Photoshop, Reincarnation, and a different kind of church.
Anyone curious about the meaning of my last post, email me, IM me, or call me. I’d be happy to discuss it. Also, we want feedback about what kind of cool stuff we could have on this site. Current ideas include trivia contests, a hall of fame page (with game high scores), and other stuff we think would be cool. All of this is, of course, dependent on people actually reading this site. So if you’re reading now, send me an email and let me know. Seriously.