Well, you read that right, laundry day… After a week away we were running out of clean socks and shirts. So, we loaded our dirties into two small bags and headed down the hill to the laundry mat. While the laundry was running, we (I really mean Carson) worked through a few caches until our timer went off. At this point I said “See ya!” and went to finish the laundry while Carson finished a cache. Unfortunately, the clothes were not completely dry when the cycle was finished, so I hefted them back to the room, spread them out all over, and put the do not disturb sign on the door. (I could only fathom what the cleaning lady would have thought if she could have seen it!) Then we left to pursue the rest of our day.
We spent the second half of our day on the far side past Interlaken exploring the St. Beatus Caves (pronounced be-at-us). We started with lunch at the restaurant there (slow and not worth writing home about), then proceeded into the caves. You have the option to go with a guide or complete the tour on your own; we opted for the self guided tour which turned out to be pretty nice. At the first stop on our tour, there was a sign that directed us to the caves’ app. This app provided detailed information on the formations inside the caves as well as the systems known history. The cave was well lit (for a cave) and the paths and stairs were well-maintained, despite being paid for only by donations and entrance fees. It took us about an hour and a half to get through it all. Once outside again, we grabbed an ice cream bar and sat in the shade until our bus arrived.
Once back on the bus, we headed into Interlaken to grab one more Grand Tour cache and dinner. This too was pretty good, but nothing special to write home about.