We made it! We left home at 8:15am on Sunday and arrived in Zurich at 8:30am on Monday, for a total of 17 hours… Oy! But now the fun can begin!
We spent our first day trying to kill time until we could collapse at a reasonable hour. So, we put our luggage in a locker at the train station and hit the streets of Zurich. In true Caron Monroe fashion we spent the better part of the day hunting geocaches and not finding any of them! However, on a positive note, we did get to walk all over the city and had really good burgers and shakes at The Butcher (a restaurant that we may not have known was there if we hadn’t passed it half a dozen times.)
After lunch we attempted to find one more cache but again no luck. So, we gathered our luggage and boarded the train to Appenzell. By mid-afternoon we were checked in to our hotel and out about the town exploring and attempting a few more caches. We started with a field puzzle cache that required exploring the main street. Part way through our exploration we sidetracked to get a webcam cache for our 1200th find! Then back to work on the field puzzle. Unfortunately, we spent a quit a while trying to get our numbers to work, but again came up empty. So, hey, why not try for yet another cache, maybe we can break this negative cycle!? Nope, not tonight! This was just one more objective leading to yet another DNF… I suppose major exhaustion and sleep deprivation do not mix well for successful caching.
We give up! Time for supper! This, my readers, was a success. We ate at Gass 17 where we both enjoyed our first Swiss bier! Mine was alongside a wood fired pizza and a banana split and Carson’s was umm… (He will have to fill this in when he can think of it…)
And the finale for the day… wait for it… wait for it… SLEEP!!!!! Well, showers first, then BED!
PS, sorry we don’t have any photos from this day, we were too exhausted and preoccupied with not finding caches to remember…
Edit: here are a few photos of the main street in Appenzell from the next day.