A Theory

There’s this theory. Given an infinite universe and infinite time, all things will happen. That means that every event is inevitible, including those that are impossible.

I pose a question to you all. Now cmon, seriously think about it! The legends of every major culture all contain some sort of character who’s singular purpose is to grant wishes, except America’s. The Arabs have Genies, the Irish have Leprauchans, the Chinese have Dragons and Monkeys, the Europeans have Fairies and Wood Sprites…what do we have?

I’ve had an Epiphany! I’m not actually off dating. It’s just hard being in so many relationships looking for commitment, when all the girls I date aren’t interested in the least. Sometimes, being the Nice Guy is really, really tough. 🙂

This is a completely awesome song!
Try to beat level 11!
And I dancedancedance, and I dancedancedance.
Single: .06 seconds, Average: 1.6 seconds!

Love is giving someone the power to destroy you, and trusting that they won’t…
That quote is mine, so if you use it, give credit where credit is due!

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