Kansas is hot. And really humid. After spending a week 5,000 feet above sea level in the dry mountain air, it was really like a slap in the face to step out of the car when we got back. I was reminded again today when I went to play softball. Even though it was after 5:00 and the heat of the day should have been fading, it was still sweltering. I just felt completely drained when the game was over. We won by the way, 15-13. I went 3-4 with a triple, line out, and two infield singles. I also scored the last run of the game, so that was exciting. We played hard, and despite the heat it was a great game. I think all the time spent hiking around in the mountains actually made the game easier on me, though. Because my body had to work harder in the thinner air of the mountains, it wasn’t so bad getting back here in the thicker air of the plains.
I also had an interesting experience last night. On the drive home we stopped in Dodge City and had dinner. We ate at Applebee’s and the food was pretty good (I had been craving steak), but we were seated in the smoking section because we knew it would be faster. We were in the corner so it wasn’t bad, except that there was this couple sitting across from us with a baby that did nothing but fight while they ate. It wasn’t a little between the two of them fight, but loud enough for the five tables around them to hear it. They dropped the f-bomb about every other word and I got the feeling they had the combined IQ of about 12. They both took cell phone calls at full volume, and smoked in front of their baby. I really think if they’d been there much longer I would have complained to the management at Applebee’s and/or told them off myself. Ok, so now that I’ve gotten off track, I’ll switch back to the interesting experience. Sorry for the delay.
Delay…that reminds me of another something that happened on highway 160 between Cortez and CaƱon City. We were somewhere in the middle, possibly before a mountain pass or after. I really don’t remember at this point. I was driving, and we had just passed through some construction where they had the road torn up and there was only one lane. Luckily we didn’t have to wait very long. Soon after, we came to what appeared to be more construction cause about 15 cars were stopped in front of us. So we waited. More cars kept rolling up. We waited some more. I don’t know how long we were there but I finally glanced at the clock. Ten minutes later, I knew we’d been there at least that long, and nothing was happening. We’d seen about 3 cars going the other way and that was it. People started getting out of their cars. The line kept growing. Some cranked up the music, some explored the area to the side of the road, some got their bikes out and rode up and down the line. It was like a little party, except know one knew anyone else and everyone really just wanted to leave. One guy decided to walk up the hill into the trees a bit to relieve himself (so I decided to follow suit as there was no other option). My mom and sister made their way down towards a creek where they discovered some animal bones of what was probably a deer or an elk (souvenirs!). Finally, after an estimated 40 minutes, people started jumping back in their cars and the line moved. For 500 feet. Then stopped again. WTF?! We were only stopped for a few minutes when we got to move for real. As we came closer to the construction, we saw that a large RV had been pulled after the road after having some kind of major engine trouble and stalling in the middle of the road, blocking both lanes of traffic. The construction was long and everything was messed up, but it wouldn’t have taken nearly as long without the damn RV. As we got to the other side, we started counting cars waiting. 1, 2…50…75…100…150…186 cars stopped in the middle of the highway, waiting for things to clear. They stretched easily over a mile. Again with the diversion, back to my original topic.
After we left Dodge City, I was driving again. Somehow my mom started talking about something from when she was a kid and it kind of snowballed into a bit of life history for both of my parents and what things were like for them growing up. There were a few stories I’d heard before, but a lot of it was things I never know about them or their families. It was interesting, funny, and sometimes sad. Their families weren’t always the most functional, particularly my mom’s side. It really puts things into perspective when I think about what my life has been like and how lucky I am to have a family that is still together where we all still love each other. It was really cool hearing them talk about how they met and all the different places they lived and what Wichita was like 30 years ago.
Anyway, back to the present. After the game I chilled out for a bit then went to Chipotle with Leigh. It’s been too long since I ate there. I love that place. Unfortunately, it also loves to take lots of my money. I caught up a bit with what’s been happening in Manhattan the past week, and it doesn’t sound like a missed too much. We stopped off at Digital Shelf so I could grab a few DVDs. Picked up Stargate SG-1 Season 5 Volume 2, and Spider-man in preparation for the sequel. You can guess what I’ll be doing the rest of the evening. This turned out to be pretty random. Vacation pics up tomorrow hopefully.
Currently Playing: Something Corporate – Walking By
So why do you leave these stories unfinished?
My cheshire cat doorstop with tears in your eyes
And why do you look when you’ve already found it?
And what did you find that would leave you walking by?