#$%@ CBS

So I’m working on categorizing old posts while I watch the Chiefs game. The Raiders had just come back to take the lead late in the 4th quarter. They’re kicking off to Dante Hall with 1:45 left in the game, and suddenly CBS cuts to the beginning of the damn Packers’ game already in progress! With that little time left in a close game would it really have killed them to let me see if the Chiefs could pull out the win? No, I didn’t think so.

Update: The Chiefs drove down the field and Larry Johnson scored a touchdown from one yard out before time expired.

Goodbye Blogger

I Went to post tonight and Blogger was choking hard. For hours, it wouldn’t post anything, but instead threw up some unhelpful error (001 java.net.UnknownHostException – what the hell is that?). In the meantime I managed to screw up my template and left things looking crappy until I was able to hack together a fix. I don’t even know if this post will show up anytime soon. Anyway, it’s been a long time coming, and this was just the push I needed to end our 19 month relationship.

Blogger, you made it incredibly easy to get on the web, and I thank you for that. You’ve come a long way with new features, usability, and decent reliability. But It’s time to move on. Don’t take this personally, I’ve just found a better blog system.

I will very soon be switching over to WordPress, most likely before the end of the weekend. More on that later.

Edit: It’s now 7:45 the next morning and Blogger is finally allowing me to post again. I’ve also discovered that Blogger now has the ability to moderate comments, but I don’t get spam comments (yet) anyway, so I don’t think it’s enough to save this thing.

Revolution Graphics

Jim Merrick of Nintendo says that the graphics for the new Revolution will be equal to that of the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Merrick addressed one question that has been in the back of the minds of many a Nintendo fans – How good will the Nintendo Graphics be? Merrick explained a “difference will not exist” between the Nintendo Revolution and the competition.

Excellent news.

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A Note to CSS Rebooters

I got in on this whole idea pretty late in the game. About 5 days before the reboot to be exact, so please bear with me. This is a major work in progress, and some might look at my before and after shots and wonder how this is an improvement. And maybe it’s not…the point is that I’ve created a tableless CSS design that is truly mine for the first time. I know that everything doesn’t validate correctly yet (although I think Blogger is partially to blame when it inserts my content), but I’m working on it. I wanted to have something to show for those who come by to check out my site. This isn’t a radical change, but I didn’t want to jump in over my head and wind up nowhere. I welcome comments, both criticism and praise, but if you’re going to criticize please be constructive so I can learn from it. Also, if you do comment please leave your name and contact info as well as your site if you have one. Feel free to critique my design, then hang around and do a little reading.

Edit: I stamped this post in the future so it will remain at the top for a while. Originally posted: 10/31/2005 @ 11:45 PM.

PS3 Delayed Until 2007?

I thought I was done posting from class (we’re getting into stuff I don’t know), but this was too good to pass up. Yesterday, BBC reported that the PS3 wouldn’t be launching until late 2007 (I looked but couldn’t find the article). Not so significant by itself, but today Joystiq.com received a tip from a former GameStop employee who confirms the delay. If what’s in this article is true, that’s some serious problems for Sony and some potentially good news for Nintendo.

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