Back to Reality

My Spring Break ended about an hour ago when I got back to Manhattan to work a shift. It never seems long enough, but for once I got a ton of stuff done. Here’s the rundown.

Started off with a 4 hour drive to Albion to see Amber’s parents. Left for Madison (and a 10 hour drive) early Sunday morning, got in Sunday night. Spent 2 days looking at apartments, picked one out, and signed our lease on the 3rd day (pictures to come later). Ate lunch with a guy who currently works at Epic to learn some more about my job and the Madison area. Spent some time exploring the city, although there’s still plenty to see. Found a nice movie theater near our apartment and saw Hostage. It was pretty good. Kinda twisted, but good. Each opened a checking account so we’ll have somewhere to send our money when we close our current accounts. Found out information on utilities, cable, internet, etc. so we can figure up a budget. Yeah, it was busy. But it will save us a lot of trouble when we go to move at the end of May. Oh yeah, that’s the other thing…they’re letting us move in a week and a half early at no charge!

So Thursday morning we got out of Madison and drove the 11 hours to Andover to see my parents and sister for a few days. Things were a lot more relaxing at home. Saw Miss Congeniality 2; not as good as the original (obviously) but still funny. Amber experimented a little bit and made Fettuccine Alfredo with Shrimp which was pretty good, and my dad made his first full blown Emeril recipe which was also very good. Then today we celebrated my birthday since it’s next week and I won’t be home until the end of the month. I got a new TV to fit the entertainment center my parents are letting me take to Madison and a Game Cube. I can finally play the games I already own on a system that doesn’t belong to someone else. Woohoo!

Anyway, that’s the abbreviated version of events. There’s lots I left out so if you wanna hear more, just ask.

Currently Playing: Evanescence – Bring Me to Life

I’m so glad to be back in Manhattan with radio that doesn’t suck. Wichita radio has gone to sh*t and Madison apparently loves commercials…

Good Point

Apple recently (and quietly) changed the functionality of iTunes. Instead of allowing 5 people at a time to stream music from an iTunes share over a LAN, only 5 people per day can listen in. Wolffe over at iPodlounge had this to say about it:

I don’t get it. What difference does it make whether 5 people are listening to your music or 10… or whether 3 people listened to your music that day or 20. What difference does it make if I burn 10 CDs versus 7? If I can burn 1, I can burn a million. Then again, if I really wanted to burn a million I wouldn’t be using iTunes.

Did somebody actually crunch some numbers and come to the conclusion that allowing people to burn their playlists 7 times instead of 10 actually affected the bottom line?

I’ve pretty much converted from Winamp to iTunes as for playing my music. I’ve even bought some music from iTunes. I’d probably buy a lot more if I had more money, but I tend to agree with this guy. What does changing limits like this really accomplish? There’s always another way around and if people really want to find it, they won’t mind spending a little bit of time to do it. You can read the rest of this comment and more at iPodlounge.

Currently Playing: Family Guy

No More

My Spring Break is here! Well, almost. About any time I’ll be getting a call to go deliver mail. But other than that, I’m done. I’m hoping to have some St. Patty’s Day fun this evening down in the ‘Ville and then head to Nebraska tomorrow on the way to Madison to check out apartments.

Last night ARH debated pet policy and things actually went pretty smoothly. Considering all of the precautions we put in place to ensure we wouldn’t have a debacle like last year, that’s a damn good thing. Ferrets ended up in the policy (which I don’t like), but at the same time, I’m leaving so why should I care? The only thing that sucked is that people didn’t want to relocate to the ARCK to finish going through the policy so we’ll have to come back to it after Spring Break. That obviously means we didn’t get to the Constitution either.

I just spent 2 hours cramming for my ethics test, followed by about 40 minutes frantically scribbling some combination of actual knowledge and total BS on the short answer and essay questions. I threw Enron and Worldcom into one of my answers, I figured that’s worth a few extra points.

While I was studying, Jimmy sent me a link. I’d call it “what every guy would like to do at one time or another but refrains for fear of losing his nuts”.

And the mail just arrived. Great timing.

Currently Playing: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
(Well, Jimmy is sleeping to it. It looks like a pretty good movie; I’ll have to check it out later.)

What the…

…hell? So I was driving from Amber’s apartment to the union and I pull up at a light behind this silver Monte Carlo SS. The first thing I noticed was the hand prints in the dust on the trunk. Then I thought of how I don’t really like those cars. But, then I saw that this guy had a flip down LCD screen. It’s the first time I’ve ever actually seen one in a car on the street so that was pretty cool, despite the ugly car. Since we were stopped and it was dark, I was close enough I thought I’d try to figure out what he was watching. A closer look and a second later I had my answer. It was PORN! I couldn’t believe it; this guy was driving around the city of Manhattan watching porn in his car. I think I laughed all the way to the union.

Damn You Pepsi…

I just bought a Pepsi for the fifth time in about two weeks. Pepsi has been doing their iTunes song giveaway again. The odds claim to be one in three. But in five times, have I won? No. Doesn’t that mean I basically have to win next time? Oh wait, that’s not how it works…damn.

I guess next time I’ll just have to go to a store where I can tilt the bottle and see if I’ve won before I buy instead of getting them out of a machine. Doh!

I have one test left before Spring Break. I guess it’s time to start learning the material…

Currently Playing: Train – Calling All Angels

Killing Time

You’ve seen those stupid talking fish. The ones mounted on a plaque, generally with a motion sensitive trigger that sing songs like “Take Me to the River.” Well now you can create your own stupid message.

If you really wanna waste some time, this ball game is maddening. It seems so simple in theory, and yet it takes a level of coordination that I didn’t seem to possess when I was playing it this morning.

I always thought there was something funny about this guy.

I have just one question. Why?

Make that two questions. Why are they in space? There’s no reason for them to be in space.

Hopefully I won’t need to use any of these techniques to get people out of my office at Epic.

While I sit here and write pointless posts to waste time, some people do more creative things.

Almost There

Last night at ARH I presented both a new pet policy proposal and some changes to our constitution. It marked the end of about a month’s worth of work for myself and a committee of around 10 others. To be honest, it’s been taking up a huge amount of time. The fact that I’ve finally presented it means I’m on my way to being done. Not just with these two issues, but with classes, organizations, and all of the activities I’ve gotten myself into throughout my time at K-State. Of course there’s still a full ARH meeting of debate coming in two weeks, but steps are being taken to make sure it goes smoothly. I was pretty surprised at how well things went last night.

I’m hoping from here I can start to “phase myself out” so to speak. After March 16, I will no longer be on ARH Exec Board and will be transitioning a new VP and Technology Coordinator (assuming constitution revisions pass). I’ll be hanging around at the request of the advisors to ensure that some things like scrapbooks and Hall of the Year are wrapped up nicely. Otherwise, things will start to slow down. We’ll have elections soon in NRHH and there will be a new OTM Committee Chair. I have a few things left for Ambassadors and then I’ll probably just stop signing up. I haven’t really been to MIS Club many times this semester, but now that I have a job, it doesn’t seem so important. Basically, I’m more ready than ever to graduate and get out of here.

On a totally unrelated note, I was browsing Lydick’s site last night and he’d linked to something called PostSecret. It’s a site run by a guy who encourages people to send him postcards with their secrets on them (anonymously of course). I think it says a lot about the human psyche, and there’s something strangely calming about reading other people’s secrets. Maybe I’ll send something in…

Currently Ignoring: Lecture on ASP .NET which has told me nothing new.

The Best Week

Warning: It’s long, but worth it (in my opinion).

I really don’t know that this week could have gotten much better. Well, I guess if you take out going to class and the two tests I probably bombed…

Let’s start from the beginning. There was the concert which I mentioned before and although it was on Valentine’s Day and I didn’t get to see Amber, I think I made up for it. A half dozen roses delivered to her school, and a little something later in the week. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

A few weeks ago, I got a call from my parents. I should have realized something was up because they were both on the phone, and frankly, that never happens. Anyway, they ask me what I want for graduation and when I tell them I want a plane ticket to go with Amber to visit her brother in Charleston, they promptly respond, “I thought you wanted to go to Hawaii!” Well, duh. Apparently, some time over winter break I told them that’s what I wanted to do for graduation. I honestly don’t remember this at all. My mom thinks I must have assumed it was never a possibility and promptly forgot about it. Well, my parents got to thinking and talking and I guess they decided we might just be able to go.

So now there’s lots of things to think about. Can I really bail on Amber and go to Hawaii instead? I would hate to do that to her, I would hate to go somewhere like Hawaii without her. It would just be so much better with her beside me (especially knowing what’s coming up in a few more paragraphs). Can we really afford it? I told them I would think about whether or not this was the time it made the most sense. It could be my last chance for a family vacation like this.

The first thing I did was ask Amber if she thought she could go with us (my parents had left an open invitation). I got a quick no. Well this just sucks. I have this chance to go, but I don’t really want to go without her and she’s saying there’s no way she can do it. But wait…maybe she’s kinda doing the same thing I (and my parents) did and just assuming there’s no way it would be feasible. Let’s look into this a little farther…

To speed up this part of the story, after some thought and some research on how much things might cost, it started to look a little more feasible to everyone. So now I’m thinking I might be going to Hawaii with my family and Amber. This is freakin’ sweet!

Last Friday, I went home to talk to my parents about the trip (and for something else, but I’m not there yet). We had a helluva time deciding where we wanted to stay (which island), but we finally settled on Oahu because it had something that all of us wanted to see. So we started focusing our efforts on finding the best place to stay. It seemed like pretty much every other day we were finding a better deal and bringing the trip closer each time.

Finally my mom stumbled onto a site that lists vacation homes and condos listed for rent by individuals owners. Holy crap! There are some really awesome deals to be found this way. A condo like we were wanting in the Waikiki area (visitor center on Oahu) would cost us around $300/night and we were able to find a pretty nice condo for $400/week. It’s a short drive from some of the things we want to do, but needless to say, that’s a lot of money saved that we can spend on activities while we’re there and still keep the price down for all of us. So that’s Part I of the good week. We’ve finally figured out where we’re staying and know for certain that we can pull of this trip. We’re leaving a day or two after graduation.

Part II: Wednesday, February 16, 2pm. I’m just about to switch desks from Van Zile to Putnam when my cell phone rings. It’s a number I don’t recognize, but I pick it up. “Hi, Carson, this is Sara Rewald with Epic Systems. Is this a good time?” Holy crap! I ask if I can call her back and she says sure, but she might be in a meeting. Dammit! So I run over to Putnam and call back ASAP. She’s still there. She proceeds to tell me that she showed my file to the head of Technical Services and he wants me on his team. Then she told me the offer. Let’s just say it’s better than I could have hoped for. I haven’t accepted yet, but it’s one of the first things I plan to do on Monday. It’s too good to wait around for a better offer that probably won’t come anyway. Ironically, I got an email from Cerner on Friday about a phone interview. Considering they are one of Epic’s main competitors I thought that was pretty funny, especially since I didn’t even get a second interview with them last semester.

Part III: The most important part of this week. The part that affects the rest of my life. The other reason I went home last Friday (and the original reason) was to pick up something very important. In the last few months, Amber and I have talked a lot about our future and have known we wanted to married for quite a while. Some may think it’s pretty quick, but we were both sure, so why deny it? Anyway, I had a few tricks up my sleeve. She knew that a ring was still a ways away, but she really didn’t know how long it would take. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how long it would take either until right after I got back from Las Vegas in January. Let’s just say that for the last month or so, I let Amber think that I had no money. I didn’t want her to be expecting anything (too much that is). Last week, I was able to wipe out the last payment on an engagement ring.

Now how to propose? A big question. I heard lots of advice, and sort of formulated a plan. Of course there was no chance it would ever come out the way I planned. Ask me if you wanna know how it was supposed to go…Anyway, I bought tickets to Fiddler on the Roof and told Amber she needed to keep the evening free. I managed to get her dressed up and even take some pictures without tipping her off (too much). She picked the restaurant (Scholtzsky’s), and after that we walked from Putnam to McCain on campus. She couldn’t figure out why I was making her walk uphill and she was really confused when I made her stop next to the bell in front of Bluemont (it was cold outside, afterall). But when I got down on one knee, I think she forgave me for the extra minute or two of cold.

We finished the evening with the play, where Amber was unusually clingy (in a good way). It was a good show. The guy who played Tevye (the male lead) has done the show ever 2,400 times with over 1,100 of them in that role. Impressive. After the play we stopped by the ARH Winter Ball to see a few people. Finally, we headed home. I was exhausted.

Yesterday was a totally lazy day which I needed. Watched about 10 episodes of Everwood from the first season. The show was better then.

By the way…she said yes. : )

Edit: I know she thinks she’s more excited about Part III than I am, but she’s wrong. I’m just not all giddy like she is. : )