Catching Up

It’s been a few days since I posted. I almost feel like Dylan. Ok, cheap shot. Sorry about that. Seriously though, it seems like a lot has happened since I posted. I’ll try and do a quick run through.

Saturday morning I met Nick and Jason at breakfast and then we headed out of town for Kansas City and Kaufman Stadium (still one of the best looking stadiums in Major League Baseball) to see the Royals play the Twins. They lost 4-1, but the game was still a lot of fun. Unfortunately we didn’t go on Friday or Sunday, because they won both of those days.

After getting back from the game I lounged a bit and then decided to work the rest of the shift Alisha had taken from me so I wouldn’t owe her any hours. I watched some Stargate and went crazy from all the cheerleaders in Haymaker trying to flirt with me and making so much noise in the lobby. Sunday morning wasn’t much better as I worked 6 more hours, though most of it was cheerleader free.

Yesterday afternoon was our last regular season softball game. For most of the game I just don’t think my head was in it. I was doing alright, but they only had 8 players and it seemed like we had to work way to hard to win the game. I ended up driving in 2 runs to put us up with just a few minutes left in the game, but then I almost screwed up the next play. It was a strange game, with rules getting broken and a girl having an asthma attack (and killing at least 5 minutes of the game clock) after I hit towards her. Next week we start tournament games, and hopefully it will be easier.

After softball I went to Chili’s with Leigh, Lydick, and Erica, then we picked up Jill and went to see Fahrenheit 9/11. Let me first say that I really didn’t know exactly what to expect going in. I had a general idea of what it was going to be like, but no real details. I went into it with a pretty open mind. I came out somewhat pissed off that $7.25 had been spent on it. I found some things in it to be very interesting and I did learn a few things. However, much of it was things I already knew or suspected. I actually fell asleep somewhere in the middle when it wasn’t so interesting.

I think one thing that frustrated me the most, is that it was not exactly a documentary. Sure there were some facts in there, but there were also many editorial moments on the part of Michael Moore. I guess I would have preferred it have been presented in a different way. When a person has everyone’s attention all the time (i.e. the President of the United States) they are bound to have their moments and say stupid things, react in the wrong way, and even make bad decisions. I would expect nothing less. And Georgie does it all the time. Still, it bothers me the way Moore put the movie together to make G Dubya look as bad as he possibly could, rather than just presenting the facts and letting the viewers realize he is a moron on their own.

Let me add this as well: I do not intend to vote for Bush. I never have. Still, I don’t think he is the absolutely horrible president that he was made out to be in the film. I think my biggest frustration comes from something I already knew about myself. I hate politics, I hate politicians in particular, and I hate the two-party system that is so ingrained in our society. I am very much a moderate. Straight down the middle. To the left at times, to the right at others so it all balances out to the middle. I also consider myself a pretty patriotic person and generally very proud of my country, but sometimes it can be hard. There are plenty of idiots out there trying to screw things up. After seeing the movie, I think Michael Moore falls into that category as much as G Dubya. Enough movie review/rant.

Today was a pretty lazy day. There are no groups here again until the weekend so it’s pretty slow for everyone. I spent some of it watching DVDs, some “cleaning” (the quotes mean I didn’t get very far), and some playing pool with Jason. And of course, it (was) Monday, and that means sand volleyball. We started out with just four per team and played four pretty evenly unbalanced games. One team would win, then the other. I blame the sand. After that a few people left, and a few more showed up. We ended up playing seven or eight games total and it was a really good time. Towards the end my team was down by a ton, but instead of just giving up we all kept playing really hard and ended up coming back to win. I think that is one thing that frustrates me at times (as some of you may have noticed). It’s not so much the losing that I don’t like, but when your whole team just seems to give up it’s a different story, especially when you seem to be the only one who still puts forth the effort. Luckily, that’s not how it went today and it seems to have gotten better on the whole, just as all of us that play every week have greatly improved. We all have mad skillz.

And that brings me up to now. I’m working on putting together a little summary of the highlights from vacation. I was going to try and make the page match the design of the site, but I decided it didn’t matter because it’s all about the pictures anyway. I’ll post it when I’m finished and hopefully it won’t be too early in the morning. I promised I’d take the radio for Jason tomorrow while he’s in class.

This got really long. I commend anyone who read it all and got to this point. Don’t forget the comments…there’s plenty to go on.

Currently Playing: Finger Eleven – One Thing

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something


I just got out of a meeting with my boss for next year and I’m happy to say it went well. You could say I had some rather strong feelings about how things went down last year and they weren’t all that positive. I wanted to try to convey some of that to my new boss in hopes of avoiding a repeat of last year. My goal was to be as objective as possible and I think I did a pretty good job. I was a little nervous because I didn’t want to just go in and say: “This is what was wrong with last year, and here’s what you need to do to fix it.” Even if thoughts like that did enter my head, it would never be my place to do that. But she was very receptive to what I was saying and listened to everything I had to say. I hope she appreciated the meeting as much as I did. It really makes me feel a lot better about starting a new year in a building that I love, but where I managed to piss off a lot of people last year.

Changing gears. Last night was awesome! Even though Leigh was MIA and the crowd got smaller as the evening wore on, it was still a great time. It’s too bad summer will be ending soon and the group will never be the same. We have 3 Thursdays left! Long Island Iced Teas at Gold Fork rule. I recommend Alaskan.

Unfortunately, starting with the drive home last night, my brain jumped into overdrive. Occasionally when I get home after going out, I don’t just collapse into bed. Last night was one of those nights. Thoughts were rushing through my head at a million miles an hour and even as I felt my body getting tired I couldn’t sleep. What sucks is that the thoughts in my head were not of the positive type. Even things that normally don’t bother me started to. I felt myself getting angry because I couldn’t stop them from coming. I finally gave up and tried to sleep but it didn’t work. I tossed and turned most of the night and finally fell into a good sleep about 7:30, only to wake up at 9:00 to get ready for my meeting. I’m not tired at the moment, but that could change at any moment. Luckily, the meeting made me feel ten times better. Today is looking up.

Currently Playing: Nickelback – Feelin’ Way Too Damn Good

And it’s like…

Everytime I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down
And where it lands is when it should
This time it’s like
The two of us should probably start to fight
Cuz something’s gotta go wrong
Cuz I’m feelin’ way too damn good

Volleyball Rocks!

Oh yeah, tonight was great. Everyone was on top of their game, the teams were matched…we played like 6 games. Gotta love it.

I’ve been busy reformatting my laptop so things might get a little slow for a bit. Back with pics.

Currently Playing: Stargate SG-1 – Red Sky Commentary

Reality Check

Kansas is hot. And really humid. After spending a week 5,000 feet above sea level in the dry mountain air, it was really like a slap in the face to step out of the car when we got back. I was reminded again today when I went to play softball. Even though it was after 5:00 and the heat of the day should have been fading, it was still sweltering. I just felt completely drained when the game was over. We won by the way, 15-13. I went 3-4 with a triple, line out, and two infield singles. I also scored the last run of the game, so that was exciting. We played hard, and despite the heat it was a great game. I think all the time spent hiking around in the mountains actually made the game easier on me, though. Because my body had to work harder in the thinner air of the mountains, it wasn’t so bad getting back here in the thicker air of the plains.

I also had an interesting experience last night. On the drive home we stopped in Dodge City and had dinner. We ate at Applebee’s and the food was pretty good (I had been craving steak), but we were seated in the smoking section because we knew it would be faster. We were in the corner so it wasn’t bad, except that there was this couple sitting across from us with a baby that did nothing but fight while they ate. It wasn’t a little between the two of them fight, but loud enough for the five tables around them to hear it. They dropped the f-bomb about every other word and I got the feeling they had the combined IQ of about 12. They both took cell phone calls at full volume, and smoked in front of their baby. I really think if they’d been there much longer I would have complained to the management at Applebee’s and/or told them off myself. Ok, so now that I’ve gotten off track, I’ll switch back to the interesting experience. Sorry for the delay.

Delay…that reminds me of another something that happened on highway 160 between Cortez and Cañon City. We were somewhere in the middle, possibly before a mountain pass or after. I really don’t remember at this point. I was driving, and we had just passed through some construction where they had the road torn up and there was only one lane. Luckily we didn’t have to wait very long. Soon after, we came to what appeared to be more construction cause about 15 cars were stopped in front of us. So we waited. More cars kept rolling up. We waited some more. I don’t know how long we were there but I finally glanced at the clock. Ten minutes later, I knew we’d been there at least that long, and nothing was happening. We’d seen about 3 cars going the other way and that was it. People started getting out of their cars. The line kept growing. Some cranked up the music, some explored the area to the side of the road, some got their bikes out and rode up and down the line. It was like a little party, except know one knew anyone else and everyone really just wanted to leave. One guy decided to walk up the hill into the trees a bit to relieve himself (so I decided to follow suit as there was no other option). My mom and sister made their way down towards a creek where they discovered some animal bones of what was probably a deer or an elk (souvenirs!). Finally, after an estimated 40 minutes, people started jumping back in their cars and the line moved. For 500 feet. Then stopped again. WTF?! We were only stopped for a few minutes when we got to move for real. As we came closer to the construction, we saw that a large RV had been pulled after the road after having some kind of major engine trouble and stalling in the middle of the road, blocking both lanes of traffic. The construction was long and everything was messed up, but it wouldn’t have taken nearly as long without the damn RV. As we got to the other side, we started counting cars waiting. 1, 2…50…75…100…150…186 cars stopped in the middle of the highway, waiting for things to clear. They stretched easily over a mile. Again with the diversion, back to my original topic.

After we left Dodge City, I was driving again. Somehow my mom started talking about something from when she was a kid and it kind of snowballed into a bit of life history for both of my parents and what things were like for them growing up. There were a few stories I’d heard before, but a lot of it was things I never know about them or their families. It was interesting, funny, and sometimes sad. Their families weren’t always the most functional, particularly my mom’s side. It really puts things into perspective when I think about what my life has been like and how lucky I am to have a family that is still together where we all still love each other. It was really cool hearing them talk about how they met and all the different places they lived and what Wichita was like 30 years ago.

Anyway, back to the present. After the game I chilled out for a bit then went to Chipotle with Leigh. It’s been too long since I ate there. I love that place. Unfortunately, it also loves to take lots of my money. I caught up a bit with what’s been happening in Manhattan the past week, and it doesn’t sound like a missed too much. We stopped off at Digital Shelf so I could grab a few DVDs. Picked up Stargate SG-1 Season 5 Volume 2, and Spider-man in preparation for the sequel. You can guess what I’ll be doing the rest of the evening. This turned out to be pretty random. Vacation pics up tomorrow hopefully.

Currently Playing: Something Corporate – Walking By

So why do you leave these stories unfinished?
My cheshire cat doorstop with tears in your eyes
And why do you look when you’ve already found it?
And what did you find that would leave you walking by?

Drawing to a Close

I’m in a motel room in Cañon City, Colorado, and my vacation is almost over. It’s about 11:30pm and my whole family has already been asleep for almost an hour. We’ll probably be getting up pretty early tomorrow to see if we can find one last thing or two to do before we start on the eight hour trek back across the vast expanse of flatness that will start about 30 minutes after we leave here and stretch all the way to our house in Andover. So here I am posting.

In the last few days I’ve learned to succesfully navigate mountain passes (around four in all I think). The vacation has been pretty good so far. I’ll hit the highlights: spending time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Spending quality time with my aunt and uncle (something I wouldn’t have thought possible a few years ago). Getting to know my cousin’s eight-year-old daughter on a personal level (Bethany: “Are we ready to go yet?”). Seeing some really awesome sites like Pikes Peak, Mesa Verde National Park, and Grand Mesa (the largest flat top mountain in the world). Playing with my dad’s new digital camera.

Still, as much fun as this trip has been, I find myself wishing (just like the last family vacation) that it would have ended a day sooner. Our nerves are shot, we’re tired of being in the car (a PT Cruiser looks cool, but it’s not the best for a family of four and all of their luggage and souvenirs for nine days), and I’m ready to get back to Manhattan and my friends.

I fully intended to post some more pictures tonight, but I just don’t have the energy. It will probably just mess with the layout some more anyway. I’m in a strange mood right now so I think I’ll end this post before it gets depressing or weird. Vacation pics to come in the next day or two.

Currently Playing: Nothing 🙁 (The family is asleep remember?)

Colorado Springs

Well, when I said I didn’t know if I’d be able to post until after vacation, I didn’t realize that some of the places we’d be staying in would have free internet access. Lucky you (and me?).

After a long but acceptable drive yesterday morning, we got to our hotel. For the rate we are getting, it’s pretty impressive. The room is a suite with a full kitchenette. The only downside is the lack of a second bed, so two of us are on a sofa sleeper. Also, I found out that Dylan is here too, and was actually in Garden of the Gods today as well. Talk about irony.

Ok, I’ll move on to the things people might care about. Pictures!

Me, Mom, and Sheena in Garden of the Gods
Me, my mom, and my sister Sheena in Garden of the Gods.

Here's some of the really cool natural formations.
An example of my dad playing with his new digital camera. I rather like the results.

Sheena and me under a formation called Balanced Rock.
This is Sheena and me under a formation called Balanced Rock that I can still remember from my first trip to Colorado Springs when I was eight.

Seven Falls
Seven Falls is where we spent the last part of our day. I also remember a little of this from last time. It’s a lot of steps to climb to the top…

My family at Midnight Falls
This isn’t actually one of the seven falls. It’s a place called Midnight Falls and it’s on a trail towards the top of the mountain, above Seven Falls.

We also planned to try and take the Cog Railway up to the top of Pike’s Peak, but we couldn’t fit it in today. By the time we got there, all the trains for the day were booked. We’ll be getting up early and going at 8am. If I have internet access again later, you might get to see them sooner rather than later. Alright, we’re getting up early, so now it’s bedtime. Oh yeah, this post is on Mountain Time (in case you were wondering).

Currently Playing: The Legend of Bagger Vance (It was on TV. It’s also a good book.)

Edit: So I realized those pics probably screwed up the page layout. I’ll fix it later. Just enjoy the pictures.

No Probalo!

Senor Cardgage Mortgage helped consolidate my life into this tiny box! Act now and see if you can stand to talk to me for more than 4 seconds. Well, let’s hope you can.

Vacation is calling my name. I’m so close I can almost taste it. What does a vacation taste like anyway? Apparently it’s going to taste like adventure. I just hope that nine days in Colorado with my family doesn’t drive us all crazy. The last time we took a trip in the car our nerves were worn pretty thin by the time we got back. But then again, I don’t really know how spaced out this trip is going to be since the rest of my family did most of the planning. Either way, it should be a good time.

So the last few days have been interesting. The other day I was making my blog rounds, checking in on some of the ones I actually care about reading. There was a lot of the typical: this is what I did today, this makes me mad, I don’t understand my friends, and of course stupid/funny links. Personally, I think that all of these entries have a place in the blog world. Still, through all the rest, one entry in particular caught my eye. Something a little different, that you (ok, that I) don’t see nearly as often. One of my friends has been going through a rough time in his life and wrote a beautiful entry I think just about anyone can relate to. With his permission, I give you Alone. The first comment is my attempt at encouraging words.

Other things of note…I played the longest spades game of my life the other night. Once again, while Leigh worked the West Hall desk from the couches in the lobby, a game of spades dragged on. We started out by going down over 200 points. Only to regain about 400 points in three hands. To bag over. Then get set. Then set them. Then they bag over. Back. And forth. Back. And forth. Finally, tie game. 595-597. As Jason pointed out, the game would have been over by computer rules. Ahh…but we don’t play by those rules, now do we? Somehow, Leigh and I managed to win the game. We set them in the final hand, completing a game that lasted three hours, went 19 hands, and could have been won nearly 5 times over. 247 total tricks taken. Wicked crazy. I sound like my sister and Pule.

Only four hours to go, then I finish packing and head for home. It’s ironic to me that I’m driving two hours south to go home this evening, when tomorrow morning I’ll be returning almost two hours north to head out to Colorado on I-70. I may not post again until after vacation. So until then: rock, rock on.

Currently Playing: Family Guy – Brian: Portrait of a Dog

Peter: [writing letter] Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog.


A name with multiple meanings. At the moment it signifies the Trojan Horse that has invaded Jason’s computer. I’m running two different virus scans which so far haven’t been able to do squat…I have high hopes for one of them though, it has never failed me in the past. This could get fun really quick if it doesn’t work though, we’ll just have to see. I wish this didn’t have to take forever. I had to turn my music up really loud (oh no!) to hear it from across the hall. Good thing there is no one else here to care. *grin*

This morning was biscuits and gravy for breakfast, and although it wasn’t anywhere near the best they’ve ever made, I thoroughly enjoyed stumbling, still half asleep, over to Van Zile, eating in a daze, and crawling back into bed with that feeling of warmth and satisfaction in my stomach. I actually slept in for the first time in a while too. It was great.

So I’m experimenting with iTunes for the first time. I may have to start checking out their free downloads, too. I’m kind of enjoying the Party Shuffle feature and I’m starting to rate my music. Here’s the system I’ve decided on:

***** I absolutely love it and will never tire of it. Play it daily (almost).
**** Still a great song, but not the absolute best. Play no less than weekly.
*** One of those other songs on the CD that’s still worth listening to. Average; play once every month or so.
** The kind of other song that I’m likely to skip if I think there’s something better. Play occasionally when in the right mood.
* That song I won’t delete just because it completes the album. Rarely (if ever) listen all the way through.

I just have a few songs to go (sarcasm). My goal is to have everything rated, meaning the absolute minimum is one star. If it deserves less than one star, it has to go.

AHA! As I finished explaining my rating system, the second virus scan finally found the trojan and claims to have disinfected it. We’ll see how true that really is when it finishes.

Oh, you’re wondering about the other meanings of Trojan? For the record, I am a Trojan Man. Yeah, that’s right, I went to Andover High School, home of the Trojans. (What were you thinking?) It was humorous being a Trojan because it just begged people to make jokes based on the popular brand name (I can see the headlines: Trojan Defense Holds Strong), especially when our list of opponents included the Topeka Seaman Vikings and Bonner Springs (there’s two n’s there people). I kid you not. I’m still trying to figure out why the school had to be called Topeka Seaman High School when their mascot was a Viking. Why not just be the Topeka High School Vikings? I mean even if it was one of several schools in the city they could have added a freakin’ direction. (Can you say Andover Central?) But I guess that would have been too easy. Apparently someone wanted their children to be tormented for four years.

Last Minute Addition: I was spell checking this before posting and the Blogger dictionary didn’t recognize freakin’. So it suggested foreskin. Brilliant.

Currently Playing: Trik Turner – Not Like You

Hey old friend its been a long time
I’ve been better, but thank you
Tomorrows yesterdays fades fast
Faster, then gives way, I’ve been better, but thank you

The End is Near

My long shift is almost over and I’ve made it without falling asleep. What’s kept me busy for the last 15 minutes or so? The Hole. This is great cause it’s like something I would have wanted to do when I was a kid, but never had the patience (or resources) to get it done. And while I’m thinking about my childhood, do you remember how much fun places like Discovery Zone were (it was Phys Kids before that)…well now you can own it. Ok, enough reminiscing. My lunch is here.

Currently Playing: Family Guy – The Son Also Draws

The Evil Shift

3am to 1pm. So I have plenty of time to sit here and I was trying to think of something to occupy my time. I’m gonna try something new. A little dissection of music. We’ll see how this turns out. I make no promises. Keep in mind I’m starting this at nearly 5:30 in the morning after about 3 1/2 hours of sleep. I am surprisingly awake for the time though…

Ok, here’s how this is gonna work. I’ve included the lyrics of a song without the repeating chorus so it takes up less space. My favorite parts I’ve enclosed with superscript numbers. Below the lyrics, I’ll tell a little about what it means to me, how it makes me feel, what I think was intended, or pretty much whatever the hell I want 🙂

Currently Playing: Yellowcard – Back Home

1Don’t know what I was looking for when I went home, I found me alone1
2And sometimes I need someone to say, “You’ll be all right. What’s on your mind?”2
But the water’s shallow here and I am full of fear, and empty handed after two long years

Back home I always thought I wanted so much more, now I’m not too sure
3Cause sometimes I miss knowing someone’s there for me3 and feeling free
Free to stand beside the ocean in moonlight
And light myself a smoke beneath the dark Atlantic sky

4Everybody here is living life in fear of falling out of line
Tearing lives apart and breaking lots of hearts just to pass the time
And the eyes get red in the back of your head, this place will make you blind
Put it all behind me and I’ll be just fine4

5Another sunny day beneath this cloudless sky
Sometimes I wish that it would rain here
And wash away the west coast dreaming from my eyes
There’s nothing real for them to see here5

Another starry night in Californ-i-a
I’m sure back home they’d love to see it
But they don’t know that what you love is ripped away
Before you get a chance, before you get a chance to feel it

1This is only partially true for me. Going home is a great chance to spend time with my family, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. Still, if my family has other things going on that don’t necessarily include me there is hardly anyone else at home that I can go hang out with. That part kinda sucks.

2I think everyone feels this way at least some of the time. I’ve got plenty of friends, but sometimes I feel like they don’t really notice when something is wrong. Then I have to wonder if they really care. And though I’m not exactly missing being in a relationship, this is one nice thing that gets taken care of automatically (or should) and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss that aspect. Anyone who knows me very well understands that if they actually say something like this to me they are likely to get a lengthy answer. I think that’s what I needed mid-semester.

3This goes right along with 2 in that sometimes I don’t feel like anyone is. And again, I know everyone has those moments where they feel that way, and it’s probably not true that no one is there. Sometimes it would be nice if people would show it a little more often, though.

4It seems like everyone is afraid of falling out of line. So many people live their lives the way other people want them to, and they walk around all the time afraid to step on other peoples’ toes. It’s just not cool. I’m not saying you should go out of your way to piss people off (or not care at all about anything others think), but it will happen. Not everyone will like you. It’s something you have to deal with and move on. Sometimes it really does seem like people mess with others’ lives just because they have nothing better to do. How messed up is that? Unfortunately, I’ve found that when most of what I see in the world is ugliness, I stop taking notice. I do become blind to it. This place, this society will make you blind. Think about how shocking it would have been 20 years ago to see some of the things that are on TV and in the media today. When’s the last time you saw something uplifting as a major story on the news? It’s all about war and crime and poverty and hunger and all of the other twisted things that people do…and after a while it just doesn’t have the same affect. Our senses have been dulled by it all and it kinda makes me sick to think about it. Put it all behind me and I’ll be just fine. Well…we shall see.

5So I don’t really feel like I’m in California and everything is all bright and sunny. Times aren’t really good or bad right now, but somewhere in the middle. However, I do think that when times are good that a little rain can be a good thing. A dose of reality if you will. And I’m not talking about the “reality” they show on TV. That stuff seems so manufactured now, I can’t believe they still call it Reality TV. I guess this line has a double meaning for me too…I just like the rain sometimes. Sitting and watching it falling outside (or around me) can be really peaceful. Sometimes it can wash away a bad mood like it was nothing. Everything seems so clean and fresh when it’s over and the sun comes out again. It makes you appreciate the good times (or nice weather) just that much more.

So I’m realizing that I probably could have done the entire song line by line, but I think this will do. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if I should do this more often by leaving comments.

Edit: I’m the kind of person who can like a song for several reasons. One is for lyrical content. Lyrics are usually just poetry, and while I don’t go looking for new poetry to read, I love it put to music. Another thing is for sound. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what the words are, it just sounds appealing. When the two go together, I’m gonna love it. Yellowcard has managed to do both in almost all of their songs, and this is no exception. I absolutely love the electric violin. At the very least, I highly recommend their latest album Ocean Avenue.