There are about six people in this building. They are all adult counselors (or something) for a cheer camp that’s starting tomorrow. They don’t really need my supervision or have any reason to come bug me at the desk like the teenage girls will be doing tomorrow. So why am I sitting here? Apparently, it’s time to post.
I have a thing for remembering names and faces. This is not a new thing, it’s been that way as long as I can remember. I just have a knack for remembering things about people, and if I can’t figure out why I remember them it will bug me until I figure it out. It doesn’t have to be someone I know. Sometimes I’ve only seen a person once, just long enough to notice something significant about them that I’ll recognize the next time around. I guess it’s kind of like the way I can recognize artists on the radio when they come out with a new song and identify announcers on TV commercials and stuff. Is this talent significant? Is it just attention to detail or something else?
Sometimes I feel pretty transparent, and I wonder how often someone actually recognizes me the second time around. I’m not talking about good friends, but people I haven’t necessarily met, just passed by on campus or had in class a semester ago. Occasionally I see the moment of recognition on a person’s face when they realize they’ve seen me somewhere before, but it seems like those moments are few and far between (for me at least). I wonder how long it takes before the impression I might make on a person is forgotten? Then I have to ask myself, what kind of impression am I making anyway? I’d like to think it’s a good one, but sometimes I’m not so sure.
OK, I think not having lots of stuff to do this summer may be my undoing. Anyone who knows me very well at all knows that I compulsively over-analyze everything. Guess what I start to do when I’m bored?
Well, I think this has been sufficiently random so I’ll wrap it up. Don’t forget to leave comments!
Currently Playing: Nothing! Strange I know, but there’s no radio in Boyd and I haven’t broken the rules to install Winamp on this computer yet. If I had the choice it would be Flickerstick – Coke.