Totally Awesome

I don’t know how long I’ve been telling myself I need to post about xkcd. I don’t really remember how I first stumbled onto this web comic, but I’m pretty sure the first one I can remember was Guitar Hero. After seeing a few more on digg or elsewhere, I ended up subscribing to the RSS feed so I can continually enjoy the “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.” His style fits my sense of humor perfectly. I even went through the archive and read from the beginning. My cube at work has about 5 comics posted already.

Anyway, the comic that finally got me to post blends together perfect references from one of my favorite games and one of my favorite childhood comic strips. How can you go wrong with Mario Kart and Calvin and Hobbes? Don’t forget to mouse over the images to read the alt text; if you’re initially confused, a lot of times this will help clear things up.


I haven’t had the hiccups in a very long time. When I was younger I would have days where they would come and go all day, but more recently I haven’t had a problem. Well, this morning I’m going on 20 minutes straight and it’s killing me. So far I’ve managed to keep them mostly quiet for the sanity of those around me, but it’s only a matter of time before a really loud one slips out. Luckily, they started after I got off the phone with a customer and no one else has called me yet. Although I do have a meeting in about 30 minutes…

Update: They lasted about 35 minutes earlier. It’s now 4:35pm and they’re back again and faster than before. It’s the squeaky kind, too. Ugh.

It’s the Little Things

Amber was flipping through some old stuff from school and found something interesting today. I was sitting at the computer and she asked me what semester she took her art class in. I remembered immediately that it was a Thursday night class in the Fall because it was when we first started dating (plus she was student teaching in the Spring, so it couldn’t have been then). I asked why she wanted to know, and she showed me a page out of her sketchbook from sometime early in the semester with the words “Amber Monroe” written at the top of the page. Keep in mind, we met for the first time on August 16th and had our first date on the 18th. We didn’t start talking about getting married until about the beginning of December.

I think it’s hilarious. She’s embarrassed because she got caught.

Back to Work

I’m finally back from my fourth trip in as many weeks. Now I get to deal with all six of my customers instead of just one. On top of that, it’s my 2 year anniversary today which means it’s review time. Here goes nothing…

My Mom Could Never Drive Across Mackinac Bridge

Amber and I are watching Modern Marvels on the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. (The C is silent – Mack-in-aw.) Stuff like this amazes me – the sheer size and amount of materials required for a project this big are hard to comprehend. To help combat the crazy winds the bridge can be subjected to, the center two lanes are actually metal grates. It can flex as much as 35 feet to the left or right and 10 feet up and down. It’s something like 150 feet from the road surface to the water below. My mom had trouble driving up and down Pike’s Peak and over Skyline Drive in Colorado. There’s no way she could make it over this bridge on her own when you can see right through it.

24 in the Workplace

This was too good to pass up. Seven ways to use the lessons of 24 at work.

If your boss catches you shooting heroin in your office, just say its part of your cover. If he says, “What cover?” Yell “Federal Agent!” and tackle the crap out of him.

Jack Bauer is completely badass. Oh, and I think the writers are punishing President Logan’s character because he was such a douche last season. He’ll get what’s coming to him…just wait for the 24th hour.

This Guy Isn’t Very Funny

Do you think Jon Stewart will use this as material for The Daily Show this week?

An embarrassed charter school has discovered it booked the wrong Jon Stewart for its annual gala. The DaVinci Academy thought it had made a deal with comedian Jon Stewart, star of The Daily Show” and host of this year’s Academy Awards, to appear next week.

It sent out 500 invitations to businesses and planned for 900 people.

But last week, it learned that it had booked Jon A. Stewart, a former motivational speaker, businessman and part-time professional wrestler from Chicago.

So apparently they don’t think a former motivational speaker and now part-time professional wrestler will be the highlight of the event as they were hoping – they cancelled him.

Getting Carried Away

From CNN:

Rounding a corner on his motorcycle to finish rigging his cache, he was greeted by a barricade of police cars and a bomb squad. He struggled to explain the misunderstanding.

“I got off my bike and three officers approached me very cautiously, hands on their holsters,” he said. “I was trying to turn off my MP3 player and I think they were worried I was going for a detonator.”

I’m not sure which is worse: people automatically assuming a hidden container is the work of terrorists, or people dumb enough to put their geocaches in a place that could be considered terrorist targets. I thought this article was pretty interesting considering we’re just starting to get into Geocaching. I just hope places don’t start banning it – at least not in large areas. I guess that’s why you should always ask for permission before hiding one.