
First, let me apologize for anyone left hanging after my last post. I’ve had some time to reflect and while it’s very true that a lot is changing for me at work, I’ve decided I’m actually pretty happy about it. So here it is – I’ve been assigned a new customer. This new customer is fairly large and requires a significant amount of handholding. They also use both billing applications supported by our team and use a configuration that I have little to no experience with. In a way, it’s a compliment of sorts that I was picked to take them on because the team leads wanted an experienced person they knew could handle it. However, because the customer can take as much as 20 hours per week, there’s no way I can keep most of my current customers (I have 6).

Here’s where the unfortunate part comes in. I just helped a customer go live at their last 3 hospitals, so transitioning off of their support team now would be very poor timing. We’ll call them customer A. Even though I wouldn’t mind giving them up, I can understand why they would be a poor choice to transition to someone else right now. They are nice people, but kind of a pain to work with because of their strict (read: sometimes blatantly stupid) change control process. Well, I’m stuck with them.

So that leaves 5 other customers that could potentially go to someone else but the way the team leads saw it, there was only one logical choice. Keep the customer mentioned above and the customer that takes the least amount of time. We’ll call the latter customer B. Of course customer B is my least favorite group out of all 6 of them. Needless to say, when I heard this, I wasn’t exactly thrilled. I asked if I had a choice in which customers to keep and was basically told I could keep customer B or the next closest in amount of time spent at another 2.5 hours per week. We’ll call them customer C and this group just happens to be a group I like.

So there was my only real choice in all the changes coming my way – take less time with a customer I don’t like (B), or more time with a customer I enjoy working with (C). Out of 5 transitions in my future, it didn’t seem like much of a choice. On top of that, one of the customers I haven’t mentioned yet happens to be my favorite and it seemed pretty clear I couldn’t keep them. After talking it over with Amber, I decided to go with C, suck up the time difference, and be rid of B within a month or two. The only thing that really hung me up was the idea that I’d been given the opportunity to drop my customer load as much as possible and I was considering passing it up. In the end, Amber and I decided I’d probably be happier with customer C even if it was more time consuming.

After a few days as things started to sink in I decided that this really isn’t a bad thing except for the unfortunate part about losing my favorite customer. I was already thinking some sort of change would be nice around my 3 year anniversary (next week), I just wasn’t thinking it would be this major. Most of my current customers are going to newer people, so the transitions may not be a cakewalk. Finally, there’s only 6 more days to complete the transition that kicked this all off. The next few weeks are going to be super busy, but I’m excited about what work will be like once I’m actually down to 3 customers. Time will tell.


I just got out of my first one on one meeting with my team lead in over a month (she’s been on sabbatical). Let’s just say the entire complexion of my job is about to change (and change fast!) and I don’t have much choice in what’s going to happen. I’m not sure how I feel right now. Not supposed to talk about it yet; more details to come shortly…

Breaking Ground

They’re scheduled to break ground on our house this Friday, and I’m getting pretty excited. We actually made a somewhat spur of the moment purchase to help us record the progress. I’ve been thinking about getting a camcorder for a while and seriously considered buying one for Amber’s last birthday, but a lack of knowledge and funds kept me from doing it. I figured building a house was a good reason to go ahead and buy one. Pictures are nice, but they can’t tell you the whole story.

I did some quick reading at and played with a few cameras at Best Buy before settling on the JVC Everio GZ-MG330. It’s a hard drive camcorder that can store about 7 hours of video at the highest quality setting. It’s surprisingly small and light, so hopefully it will be easy to use. It’s not overly fancy, but it should do the job quite nicely. It came from Amazon today and I’ve spent some minimal time playing with it.

For the next several days at least we’ll probably be headed by our lot pretty much every day to take some pictures and shoot video. Assuming I can figure out how to get videos onto the computer, I’ll be putting some up on the web for all to see.

Oh yeah, I also joined twitter.

Update 5/2/2008 7:35PM: They didn’t do any digging today. It rained pretty hard this morning, maybe that caused the delay.

Totally Awesome

I don’t know how long I’ve been telling myself I need to post about xkcd. I don’t really remember how I first stumbled onto this web comic, but I’m pretty sure the first one I can remember was Guitar Hero. After seeing a few more on digg or elsewhere, I ended up subscribing to the RSS feed so I can continually enjoy the “webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.” His style fits my sense of humor perfectly. I even went through the archive and read from the beginning. My cube at work has about 5 comics posted already.

Anyway, the comic that finally got me to post blends together perfect references from one of my favorite games and one of my favorite childhood comic strips. How can you go wrong with Mario Kart and Calvin and Hobbes? Don’t forget to mouse over the images to read the alt text; if you’re initially confused, a lot of times this will help clear things up.

Yes, He’s Retiring. Deal With It.

My God, you’d think the world is coming to an end. I realize he is a living legend. He is one of the greatest football players of my lifetime and in the entire history of the game. He’s set almost every record possible. Of course, “he” is Brett Favre.

I don’t know how I managed to make it through most of the afternoon on Tuesday before I heard that he was retiring because I definitely haven’t heard much of anything else since then. He got at least the first two pages of the paper and has had at least one main story and a sports story in pretty much every local newscast for the past two days. The NFL Network is running a special on him called “Brett Favre 4-Ever” – how clever. Several local networks are doing their own tributes.

Of course he couldn’t just make the announcement and be done. In fact, there’s a good possibility that it’s been in the works for a few days, since the Packers site slipped up last Thursday and put up a breaking news post that he was retiring. The word came out officially on Tuesday, but he waited until today to hold a press conference so everyone would have time to reflect and speculate about what he’d say in his final goodbye. Then everyone got together to have a big cry-fest and talk about how they can’t believe he won’t be leading The Pack next year. C’mon guys – how is an old quarterback making the logical decision to retire after a phenomenal season such a big deal? Why is it that Packers fans and the media are shocked by this? I’ve heard in more than one place that some people actually believe he may have been forced to retire – what?

Let’s be realistic here. Brett Favre had a phenomenal season, even by his standards. How could he ever top that? If he didn’t retire now he would risk becoming that guy who can’t let go until he really is forced out because he can’t hack it any more. The only way he can say he didn’t go out on top is that his last NFL pass was an interception that ended his chance at another Super Bowl ring. As ironic as that may be, the timing was right. Get over it.


I haven’t had the hiccups in a very long time. When I was younger I would have days where they would come and go all day, but more recently I haven’t had a problem. Well, this morning I’m going on 20 minutes straight and it’s killing me. So far I’ve managed to keep them mostly quiet for the sanity of those around me, but it’s only a matter of time before a really loud one slips out. Luckily, they started after I got off the phone with a customer and no one else has called me yet. Although I do have a meeting in about 30 minutes…

Update: They lasted about 35 minutes earlier. It’s now 4:35pm and they’re back again and faster than before. It’s the squeaky kind, too. Ugh.

We’re Building a House!

Amber and I decided a while ago that we didn’t want to renew our current apartment lease when it ran out, nor did we really want to move to another complex. We’d been planning to start seriously looking for a house sometime in April or May and hope the timing would work out well as our lease comes to a close. Then a little over a month ago one of my friends mentioned they were looking into building a house with a local builder. They’re pretty big in the area, so I’d certainly heard of them but just assumed that building a new house was not something we would want to pursue. After hearing him talk about it though, I decided it was probably a good idea for us to at least look into it.

After getting some preliminary info and asking about a million questions, it didn’t take long for us to be more than mildly interested. This builder offers a set number of plans and starts each house with the same basic features, with lots of upgrades availabe. It wasn’t long before we were checking out various models trying to decide if there were any plans that we liked. Within about a week we were pretty sure this was something we were going to do, we just needed to choose a plan and nail down the type of upgrades we’re willing to pay for. After narrowing it down to three plans we liked, we ultimately chose our plan and started working on our upgrade list.

Last weekend we took the first real step toward having a house built not far from where we currently live. We chose a two story plan with 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms. Now that we’ve signed the initial paperwork, we’re getting into the phase of actually making all of our choices for the look and feel of the house. On Monday we picked out our appliances, and on Thursday we made our lighting choices. We have a meeting with a designer scheduled in a few weeks to make the rest of our choices, and then the real work will begin in late March or early April.

This is obviously something we’ve never done before, but we are pretty excited about the whole process. This builder does quite a few things to make the process as easy for us as possible. We’re scheduled to close on August 18 and I’ve already taken that week off for plenty of time to move. The friend who initially got us interested is also going through the process at the same time, so we have plenty to talk about lately. Ironically, there house will be just down the street (and no, it wasn’t planned).

Happy Birthday, LEGO Brick

Today is the 50th birthday of the LEGO Brick. Gizmodo has a timeline summarizing it’s lifetime.

I never had one of the really big sets growing up, but you better believe I remember helping my friends put together the LEGOLAND Castle and LEGOLAND Pirates sets. And then there were the guys who had enormous totes full of LEGOs who built all their own stuff.

While I had a few small LEGO kits, I had lots of Construx. Most people don’t really remember these because they were only around for a few years and they weren’t well advertised, but I had several sets and played with them for years. My favorite thing to do was build bases on opposite sides of the basement and create a zipline to send the figures back and forth. I wonder if my old sets would be worth any money today…

Galaxies of Fun

I’ve had Super Mario Galaxy for a little less than a week, and so far it’s been pretty much everything I hoped it would be. There are still times that I can’t get used to walking around on the bottom of planets, but that’s a small detail. In almost every respect it has been totally awesome. I’ve picked up about 35 stars so far, so I’m a little bit more than a quarter of the way through everything. Despite her reluctance, I even got Amber to help me a little bit with the co-star mode.

The game is one of the best looking I’ve seen on Wii. The art style is very well done and the game has an unrivaled level of polish. This just goes to show that those other developers releasing games that look like ass aren’t trying very hard. Perhaps they’re working too hard trying to figure out more ways to waggle the controller? It’s kind of sad.