It’s the Little Things

Amber was flipping through some old stuff from school and found something interesting today. I was sitting at the computer and she asked me what semester she took her art class in. I remembered immediately that it was a Thursday night class in the Fall because it was when we first started dating (plus she was student teaching in the Spring, so it couldn’t have been then). I asked why she wanted to know, and she showed me a page out of her sketchbook from sometime early in the semester with the words “Amber Monroe” written at the top of the page. Keep in mind, we met for the first time on August 16th and had our first date on the 18th. We didn’t start talking about getting married until about the beginning of December.

I think it’s hilarious. She’s embarrassed because she got caught.

Guitar Zero

I found a guy at work willing to let me borrow his PS2, Guitar Hero, and Guitar Hero II (I know, I was surprised, too) and that pretty much sums up my performance so far. I made it through about the first dozen tracks on Medium without too much trouble. Then I hit Stellar by Incubus. I really love the song, but man is it ever kicking my ass. I dropped down to Easy and had no trouble, but I’ve only been able to finish it once on Medium and I was dangerously close to losing it. Typing feels so awkward right now…

Anyway, I’ve got the games for probably about a week and a half. I figured it would be a good way to tide myself over until Guitar Hero III comes out for Wii later this year. These are the first games I’ve really played since I spent basically half of the month of May in Seattle. I’ve been neglecting the Wii which is pretty sad considering I still haven’t finished Red Steel or Super Paper Mario. I’m sure I’ll pick one of them up again after I have to give back the guitar.

Miller Park Doesn’t Sell Sunflower Seeds

How messed up is that? There were peanuts everywhere, but not a single sunflower seed. Anyway, we spent our evening last night at a Brewers’ game in Miller Park. I’ll have to say it’s a really nice facility, but they lose a few points for lack of my favorite snack. We chose to go to the game because they were playing the Royals, but we ended up rooting for Milwaukee anyway. I think we might go back a time or two.

Mother Nature, I Hate You

It’s Thursday. How do I know? Because our 3rd week of softball was rained out, which makes 4 games for us (1 week was a doubleheader).

In other news, we’re going to spend the weekend in Milwaukee. We’re going to the Brewers/Royals game on Saturday and probably the zoo and a few other places. It should be fun.

I Need a Break

I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow. I’ve got a ton of customer issues waiting for me and nothing is straightforward at all. Luckily it’s a short week since we’re leaving Thursday evening for a wedding in Kansas City. Unfortunately, when I get “back” I’m leaving for Seattle for Swedish’s Claims Go-Live. Oh yes.

Alberto Gonzales is Pathetic

I don’t care how you look at it, this man is just sad. Granted a lot of what I know about him comes from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, but it sounds like they really didn’t have to do much to make him look like a total douchebag. I find it extremely ironic that if you begin a Google search for Albert Gonzales and look at the suggested searches, “Alberto Gonzales Resignation” has 1,230,000 results, “Alberto Gonzales should resign” has 837,000, and “Alberto Gonzales should be fired” has 731,000 results. His Wikipedia article has an entire section devoted to Calls for resignation or firing. It’s obvious to pretty much everybody that the guy is lying through his teeth. How does he still have job? An even better question, how can the president still be supporting him?

President Bush said today that the Congressional testimony of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales last week, roundly panned by members of both parties, “in a way increased my confidence in his ability to do the job.”

Oh. Dear. God.


That’s how I felt for several hours last night. For whatever reason I was physically sick for the first time in a very long time. I hardly ever get truly sick, so for a few hours I was completely miserable. After I finally emptied my stomach, I ended up sleeping for about two hours in the early evening. About the time Amber came to bed I woke up and was wide awake, feeling fine. Guess it wasn’t the flu. I think I probably have to blame the Subway sandwich I had for lunch, since it was the only thing I ate besides a bowl of cereal yesterday.

The good news is that this morning I feel fine, and I’ll get to have some of the leftover Papa Murphy’s pizza that Amber made right about the time I was feeling worst. You can’t beat pizza for breakfast.

My Mom Could Never Drive Across Mackinac Bridge

Amber and I are watching Modern Marvels on the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. (The C is silent – Mack-in-aw.) Stuff like this amazes me – the sheer size and amount of materials required for a project this big are hard to comprehend. To help combat the crazy winds the bridge can be subjected to, the center two lanes are actually metal grates. It can flex as much as 35 feet to the left or right and 10 feet up and down. It’s something like 150 feet from the road surface to the water below. My mom had trouble driving up and down Pike’s Peak and over Skyline Drive in Colorado. There’s no way she could make it over this bridge on her own when you can see right through it.

New Stuff!

I decided to get ambitious this morning and I went through and added some cool stuff to the site. First, I’ve got a new contact form you can use to send me a message. I’m not really expecting much to come of it, but hey, it’s there. Thanks to One Woman Show for the plugin.

Next, you’ll notice there’s a section in the sidebar showing recent comments and trackbacks. This one is also kind of useless because no one actually leaves comments, but maybe that will change one day. Thanks to Krischan Jodies for this one.

The last and probably coolest change is that I’m now able to use Lightbox to display (some) photos. To see it in action, try clicking on one of the thumbnails in a post below.

Edit: I almost forgot – a little while back I fixed my flickr integration so you should be able to see all of that again at /photos/. (I lied – some combination of FAlbum and/or flickr is being a pain in the ass.) Eventually I’d like to put a button on my nifty toolbar up there, but since this is a part of my latest theme, I have to figure out how to hack it first. Also, this doesn’t use Lightbox; I’m not sure how complicated that will be.

Edit 2: I also wrote a few posts over the last year that I never posted for whatever reason. Their now sprinkled around in the archive on the appropriate dates, mostly from our honeymoon last February.