Hey, That’s Me

In the state of Wisconsin, each digit of your drivers license has meaning*. Amber and I went to the comedy club downtown a few weeks ago and the woman checking IDs told us that the last two numbers represent the number of people with similar names in the DMV database. Ironically, my number is 09 while Amber’s is 01.

This had me slightly baffled, but then again I don’t really know what “similar names” means or how that relationship is calculated. So I started wondering – are there many more Carson Monroes out there? I decided to head for my usual source of information – Google.

It’s been a while since I’ve googled myself. The last time I tried it I don’t know that I really saw much except maybe some old track and field results from high school (I’m pretty sure those are still out there if you know where to look). This time, though, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the top results are for…well…me. Number one is a bid that was written for me by one of my organizations in college for a service award. The theme of the bid was pretty cheesy and they got plenty of details wrong, but I appreciated it nonetheless. Number two is my Blogger profile – it’s kind of ironic because I haven’t used blogger for quite a while now. From three on, the majority of links have nothing to do with me. However, if you dig deep enough you’ll probably find a few other references from K-State along with graduation honors and a question submitted to Ask iLounge a while back. That’s pretty much it, but I can’t complain much. The top two are decent first impressions for anyone who might happen to google me. (And we all know how likely that is to happen…)

The interesting thing is that I don’t really see other real people with a name even close to mine. There’s all kinds of results for people with the last name Carson from places with Monroe in the name, but that’s really it. I guess this means I can continue to assume I’m one of, if not the only Carson Monroe in the world. And yet…I still sign my name with my middle initial just in case. Thanks, Dad.

*I stumbled onto this site with more information on unique IDs.

This Guy Isn’t Very Funny

Do you think Jon Stewart will use this as material for The Daily Show this week?

An embarrassed charter school has discovered it booked the wrong Jon Stewart for its annual gala. The DaVinci Academy thought it had made a deal with comedian Jon Stewart, star of The Daily Show” and host of this year’s Academy Awards, to appear next week.

It sent out 500 invitations to businesses and planned for 900 people.

But last week, it learned that it had booked Jon A. Stewart, a former motivational speaker, businessman and part-time professional wrestler from Chicago.

So apparently they don’t think a former motivational speaker and now part-time professional wrestler will be the highlight of the event as they were hoping – they cancelled him.

Holy !@#$

Session Average: 206
First Ball Average: 9.1
Open Frames: 5 (average 2 per game)
Spares: 9
Strikes: 17
Splits: 2 (1 converted)

Games: 195  211  214
Series: 620

Oh yeah…we won the championship. Thanks to Chris, Ken, Eric, Nolan, Joe, Chad, Jesse, and Matt for a great league season.

Update: Apparently my name was in the paper. They got my score wrong (625) which tied for tenth best series in our league for the night.

Black White

Since The Shield started up again on FX, I’ve been seeing previews for this show and it piqued my curiosity. Once the premiere came close enough, I set the DVR to record it to see if it would be any good. If nothing else, it looked like an interesting concept and while I wasn’t sure about pure entertainment value I thought it might be worth watching.

As of today something like four episodes have aired, and I’ve watched the first two. It started off a little bit slow as they explained the premise (which I already knew after one promo spot). Basically two families live in the same house together and attempt to give each other the experience of living as the opposite race. Makeup artists work their airbrush magic to change black to white and vice versa.

The first episode kind of laid the groundwork for the opinions of those involved in “the project” as they call it. The black dad is amazed at how much better he gets treated as a white man. The white mom thinks she grew up with a liberal family and this project won’t be a stretch for her. The black mom is sensitive to racially charged language. The white dad thinks racism is all in blacks’ interpretations. The black son couldn’t care less about the whole thing. The white daughter seems to have the best grasp of the whole point of the show out of any of them.

Each family is supposed to help the other to gain the full experience of living as the other race. So far, this hasn’t really happened. The black family feels like they already know what it takes to be white because they “put on that face” all the time to be accepted in white society. The white family assumes they know what it takes to be black, and – not surprisingly – they have no idea. They end up trying way too hard; but then again, the black family isn’t really helping them out either.

The most interesting component for me is the situation they’ve put the white daughter in. She’s attending a slam poetry class with some very open and honest black teens who lay out all their feelings for everyone to hear. She struggles with the fact that she might not live up to their expectations, but more than that, she feels horrible hiding who she really is when they are being so honest. In the episode I just watched, she actually revealed to them that she was really a white girl in black makeup. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for her to admit that she’d essentially been lying to them. The reaction was mixed – some of them were supportive, but one in particular felt betrayed and let her know it. Still, it’s obvious that she understands what they’re doing, and genuinely appreciates their varied reactions. So far she seems to be the only one who really gets it.

One thing is immediately obvious – these are two very different worlds being forced to collide. It’s no surprise that not everything is going to go well. After two episodes, I’m hooked in. I’m interested to see where things will go from here, even if it’s uncomfortable at times. Still, after finishing an episode a few minutes ago I couldn’t help but think the whole thing was a little depressing. Granted it’s still early, but the level of understanding between the two families is almost non-existent. I hope at the end I’ll be pleasantly surprised and not bitterly disappointed. If you haven’t seen the show, it’s worth checking it out Wednesdays on FX.

On to the Finals

Despite having the lowest averages and the worst record in the league, we’re headed to the finals! We all had at least two games well above average and banged out a victory in the first two games. We won the second by 185 pins!

The other team in the finals had an incredible third game tonight – three of their guys were over 240. Still, if we had played them tonight, we would have taken the first two games and the championship. I was a little nervous to start things off tonight, let’s hope I can relax next week. I’m looking forward to it.


Week one of the playoffs. We arrive to find that we’ve been matched up with the number one seed (the team from the bowling alley). We’re number eight of eight; but it didn’t matter.

We knocked off the number one seed!!

I honestly don’t even know what my scores were, I just know we held on to win the last game by five pins. It didn’t matter that Chris was robbed of nine pins by a technicality in the second game and we went on to lose that game by six. It didn’t matter that Eric was well below average all night. It didn’t matter that their third man had a 252 in the third. It didn’t matter that their anchor finished with six strikes in a row. It didn’t matter that we had an annoying audience for the last five frames.

All that mattered was Nolan’s finish: X X X 9.



Update: The photo gallery is now open. Over the next few days I’ll be attempting some further integration like adding pictures to the sidebar and other parts of the site. If you’ve got a flickr account, feel free to comment on the photos themselves by visiting the flickr page linked under each photo. If you don’t have an account, consider signing up or ask me for an invitation.

The lack of updates could mean I’m just lazy. It could mean I’ve been working on our taxes. Or it could mean that I’ve been working on improving the site. Over the weekend I started working on some additions that should make things a lot more interesting around here. At minimum, I’ve got a photo gallery in the works (that’s right, Jamaica pictures are coming) and who knows, maybe I’ll also get rid of the default WordPress theme soon.

The photo gallery is actually online already, but I’m keeping it’s location under wraps for the time being. I’ve got a little bit of work to do in giving pictures more interesting names and making sure things are in order. It’s setup through my new flickr account and a pretty little plugin called FAlbum that I discovered yesterday. I’m still trying to figure out what all I can do with it – I’ll unveil it soon.

Too Bad It’s Not Wednesday

Chris and I headed over to Wildcat Lanes tonight for Buck Night. We were both bowling way better than we have in the past few weeks. It would have been more fun with more people, but I can’t complain too muich. We both bowled well above our league averages, and I set a new high game of 223 with a series of 551! I still can’t believe more people don’t show up on Saturdays.