I still remember Christmas in 1991 when my dad bit the bullet and spent $200 for a brand new Super Nintendo Entertainment System (just before the price dropped $20 at Toys R Us). The NES before it had been for him, but this baby was all for me. Super Mario World was the game that launched the system and I spent forever playing through it, discovering all of its secrets. I still remember the first time I beat it. Some of my cousins were staying over and we stayed up half the night playing through the last levels.
On more than one occasion I’ve sought a SNES emulator and a ROM to play this game again (my SNES is 10 hours away at my parents house). Now someone has made it possible to play brand new levels!
Lunar Magic is a level editor I created for Super Mario World (SNES). It’s the first and, as far as I know, the only level editor available for this game. I began looking into making an editor for it shortly after releasing the SoM VWF patch, mostly on a whim to see how hard it would be.
So yeah, ROMs aren’t technically legal. Did I say I’ve had them before? I was only kidding. Although, I do actually own the game. Doesn’t that make it slightly less illegal? Hey, look over there! *Downloads ROM for the nth time*