What a Joke

I’m sorry, Epic. You really dropped the ball today.

Let me back up a bit…One of the things I think is pretty cool about Epic is that the company really values the relationship they have with customers. One of the ways they reach out is by holding a week long conference called the Users’ Group Meeting every September. They set a theme every year and it’s a chance to mingle with customers and learn what others are doing with the software, etc. To be honest, I’ve been kinda looking forward to going to some of the sessions to hear a little bit about other parts of the company and what customers really think. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Epic cares so much about their customers, but today they totally forgot about their employees.

There is only one session that every employee is required to go to: the general session. Since Epic has been growing so fast over the last few years (current population is over 2100, up from 1600 when I interviewed in February) it would require a very large venue to house all of the employees and even more customers. So they decided to split us up: the customers in the convention center, the employees in the Orpheum Theater. Keep in mind we are still required to dress up even though we won’t see any customers for the only session we’re required to go to.

So some people on my team and I decided to carpool. We get downtown, find a place to park, and walk into the Orpheum right at 8 o’clock when the session is supposed to start. The first thing I notice is that it’s a little warm inside. I immediately took off my suit jacket, knowing I would be miserable if I didn’t. We proceed up to the balcony, knowing we will be able to better see the screen where they will be projecting the feed from the convention center. They’ve got a video on one side of the giant screen and a powerpoint presentation on the other. Not a bad setup. Or so I thought.

Each year a video is made to match the theme. This year: Mystery in the Midwest. I’m sure the video was pretty good, but I can’t really tell you for sure. As soon as the presentation started, a nasty speaker buzz started from the only speakers projecting the audio feed from the convention center. The volume wasn’t bad, but the voices were so garbled I caught about every fifth word. I thought maybe they were having issues and would fix them, but I was wrong. As the movie ended and the first speaker started, the feedback got worse. They made an adjustment and the sound stopped crackling during high volume, but everything was still garbled.

So here we go. Roughly 2000 Epic employees sitting in the dark in their nicest suits and dresses in an 85 degree theater for four hours watching a video feed from the nice (cool) comfy convention center that we can’t even hear well enough to understand. The video, the CEO, the Vice President, the keynote speaker from Princeton…I’m sure it was all great. I think I caught one joke in four hours, meanwhile I’m sitting there sweating through my dress clothes. Absolutely fan-frickin’-tastic.

I went to two sessions in the afternoon after enjoying (sort of) a free box lunch. They weren’t too bad, but I still can’t believe they didn’t test their setup ahead of time. That ranks right up there with a tech company that relies on Microsoft Outlook for absolutely everything having to go without access for 2 days while they install patches, updates, and make server changes.

Creeping out for a small post

Ok I know its been ages since I last posted here. So I thought I would make a brief appearance.

Went to my best friends wedding this past weekend. Never been in the main wedding party before. Got to take care of the groom and his brother (also a groomsman) the night before because we all went out to the bar. It was weird to see him make that commitment. Its weird to think that my two best friends from HS are now married with children.

In other news…

I finally got out of the dorms (yeah I still call them dorms even after all the pressure to call them residence halls *sticks toungue out* ) Now living in a house on Pierre. 6 of us all together and a definate step up from the house I was in over the summer (no waterfalls from the walls when it rains etc…) and I have a big desk now to help house my 3 computers… yeah my laptop, dell desktop and a G3 Macintosh I got from leftovers at work (yeah and I dont actually mind OS X that much now *shrug*…. even though I still prefer Windows… well for most things not involving graphics )

work in progress….

I am now putting together my own webspace that will eventually be available at dylman.com right now it is password locked until I get things secured so that someone doesnt destroy my SQL database I am using. But eventually there should be my own blog engine running (no more blogger or Xanga!) It will be a continuing work as I try to figure out CSS. But for now you can view a few pictures I have taken with a digital camera I borrow from work at dylman.com/gallery Till next time…
Dylan “the green dart” Stewart signing off


I’ve had a few people asking now, I should explain that my last post before today (Alone) was a pretty isolated incident. While I don’t have a ton of new friends, Madison has been generally good to me and I’m not really feeling depressed. I do appreciate the kind words, though. So don’t go worrying about me. Now, if you know of anyone interested in joining a bowling league…


That’s what this site looks like, huh…I need to decide what I want to do with it. I’m considering dumping the domain when this year is up and going with something else. I just can’t decide. If anyone is still coming here hoping for new posts, let me know what you think I should do. What kind of site should this really be?


So I just sat down to start cutting my fingernails. I know, I haven’t posted in weeks and the first thing I come back with is fingernails. Well, deal with it. There’s at least a reason for it.

One month ago while messing with the plugs for lights on a U-Haul tow dolly, I bent my thumbnail back. It hurt like hell, and there was really no reason for me to have done it. Why should you care? Well you probably won’t even after I explain it (I’m not sure I’ve even got any readers anymore), but here I go anyway.

One month ago is about the last time I knew what I was doing. I’ve been in Madison for almost a month and I’m still completely lost. Sure I’ve got this job, and I’ve got this great girl with me. But I have almost no clue where I am or where I’m going. Too make things more fun, on this particular night I happen to be sitting alone in an empty apartment after angering said wonderful girl for something very stupid. So here I sit, listening to depressing music wondering where she’s gone and why, after three weeks I still have no clue what my job is. Why I’m even here.

The girl has been telling me since we got here how lonely she is and if it weren’t for my job I would be in the same boat. I don’t think I’m really that far off though. Sure I have something to do during the day but I have yet to meet anyone I would consider a friend.

That night I bent my thumbnail back is now probably one of the last memories I’ll have of Manhattan and how my life used to be. This would have to be the first time since graduation that I really wish I was back there, or home, or pretty much anywhere but here. My parents are mad at me, the girl is mad at me, we have no friends here. Isn’t life grand.

Currently Playing: Flickerstick – Coke

Moving on; Slowly

So things kinda got crazy there at the end. I finished my semester about 3am Tuesday morning. A strange time to end a semester but the last things I had to do involved a web project and a paper.

Since then I’ve worked quite a bit, managed to forget a shift, and not really gotten much done in the way of packing up my room. I finally started getting somewhere tonight, and hopefully I’ll have most of my stuff out tomorrow. I’ve got to do some creative planning/packing to make sure I have the right clothes for Hawaii, enough for the next few days, and still pack away everything else.

It feels so weird to be done. I have zero obligation except for my last few shifts and to get everything out of Putnam. I’m so ready to get away for a while, and what better place than Hawaii? It’s been fun.

Currently Playing: Kill Bill, Vol. 1

Busy (a.k.a. 2)

I knew the end of the semester was going to be busy, but this is insane. Just in the last five days I’ve had 2 tests, attended 2 banquets, received lots of certificates and recognition (that part was cool), and continued to work on projects in 2 classes. In the next 2 weeks I’ve got 2 finals, 2 papers, 2 presentations, 2 people are shadowing me at work…are we seeing a trend here?

The good news is that some things are finally wrapping up. I’ve already dropped 2 lines off my email signature and the last title goes next Tuesday! Then it’s back to being your typical college student. For about a week. Then I’m done for real. Let’s just say I can’t wait.

Currently Playing: Lifehouse – You and Me

A Week Is Too Long

Between posts. The semester is winding down but I’m at my busiest. Why does it have to be that way?

In the last 24 hours I spent about six and a half hours in the best sleep I’ve had in a year. After the weekend I was so tired I just crashed. I was informed that I was snoring rather loudly. Then this morning I worked from 6-8am and when I got off I didn’t really feel that tired, but looking ahead I knew I would be up ’til 3 tonight. I made the conscious decision to skip class for another 2 hours of sleep. And again, I was out in an instant and sleeping so hard it felt like 5 minutes. I don’t think a train would have woken me up.

So you might be wondering what was so tiring about the weekend. Some will know that Amber is Catholic. Since she wants to get married in a Catholic church, there are certain things that we have to do before the Church will consider us prepared for marriage. Basically for us there were just two things: attending a class on the sacrament of marriage (which we did last weekend) and going to a weekend retreat called an Engaged Encounter.

I don’t think either of us really knew what to expect, even after some friends gave us an idea of what it would be like. In my mind it was surprisingly helpful. Even though it’s sponsored by the Catholic church, it didn’t bother me nearly as much as I thought it might (I have some issues). There were really only a few instances where I was uncomfortable and it was more due to the other couples there than the people running the show. It gave Amber and I a chance to discuss a few (like maybe 2) things we hadn’t talked about already and to reflect on the things we have. I think the best part for us was that throughout the course of the weekend we came a lot closer together in our views when it comes to our kids and religion. It’s something I knew would be an issue in some way or another from the beginning. It’s mostly an issue because of my ignorance of the Catholic church and how things work. But I’m learning, even if it isn’t as fast as Amber would always like.

Anyway, they had us up before 7am both mornings for mass and kept us going ’til 10pm or later both evenings. That combined with the mental energy expended and strange surroundings, we both left exhausted. Then being a creature of habit, I just couldn’t make it to bed before 12:30 last night. I just felt like I had better things to be doing.

So now it’s back to my reality of projects, class, upcoming papers, and tests. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? Somewhere in there I’ve gotta pack up all the stuff in my room and move out, too. Alright, now it’s time to watch tonight’s episode of 24.

Currently Playing: 24: 12am to 1am