So Close

I’m finding it very hard to get motivated to study for finals. I put so much effort into class projects in the last month, why can’t I just be done with everything now? It’s not like I haven’t proven I understand the material by using it to complete the projects…

*grumble grumble*

Yes, this is just one more tactic to put off the inevitable. And so what? 🙂

Currently Playing: Relient K – Deck The Halls, Bruise Your Hand (Awesome!)

A Winning Formula

College town + radio show contests + waking up early = winning!

So Z96.3 is doing this giveaway called The 12 Days of Christmas, where they give away prizes donated by local businesses. Every day for 12 days…well, you get the idea. Today was the 6th day of Christmas. Pizza hut donated four $25 gift certificates. So I heard this morning that they were registering people for the drawing. The 3rd, 6th, and 9th callers to be more specific. So I dialed. And I got registered. Simple enough. Well, not two hours later, they’ve called my room to tell me I won. Silly me, I thought they would take registrations all through the day. Anyway, it hasn’t even been announced yet, so if you wanna hear it, listen in around 5pm.

The irony here is that I won something a little over a month ago. Same station, same general time of day. Only all I had to do was call. There was no drawing. So yeah. I like calling the radio station in the morning. I’m thinking there just aren’t enough people awake to call in.

Class today is basically a formality. Reviews and wrapping up. Woohoo!

The End is Near

For the first time in weeks, I’m sitting here not regretting the time it’s taking me to write this post. Yes, that’s right. I have nothing better to do. I worked most of the day on finishing my programming assignment. The database project time limit was our meeting at 8 tonight. Yeah, we didn’t get done, but who cares! It’s over. The programming assignment is stalled while I wait for more parts to implement and we agreed tonight that the end of class tomorrow will be our cutoff. So in less than 24 hours I’ll be done with classes and just have to worry about finals. Not nearly as big a deal in the whole scheme of things.

So now I’m going to enjoy the rest of my night. Later!

Currently Playing: Trans Siberian Orchestra – Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)

Just A Little Longer…

It’s so close. I can almost feel the freedom taunting me from next week. I shouldn’t really be taking the time to post, but I just saw something that lifted my spirits considerably. It’s the type of book for discerning, intelligent readers.

Anyway, this week has been insane so far and it won’t really get better until after class on Thursday. Assuming everything gets done. This is supposed to be “dead week,” but it’s turning out to be more like “I wish I was dead” week. Finals week should be a cakewalk after this.

The weekend was a nice escape from reality. Spent Friday with Amber which was lots of fun, then went home Saturday to get a tree with the family. Took the longest it ever has, but we ended up with a nice one.

Postings should increase after hell ends. More later.

Headaches and Holiday Cheer

Last night I drove over to Amber’s apartment. It was just starting to snow and when I got there I want to retrieve my backpack out of the back seat. I opened the door but apparently not as far as I thought because as I leaned in to grab my bag I slammed my head on the top edge of the door. At first I thought it just hurt, but as I walked to the door of her apartment I realized I might be bleeding. As I stepped inside I pulled my hand away from my face and saw red on my fingers. Oops. By the time I got to a mirror there was blood running down left side of my face. I’d managed to make contact right on the ridge of my eye socket. After a few minutes of bleeding and several Kleenexes, Amber was able to help clean me up and things aren’t so bad. For the most part the cut is hidden in my eyebrow, but if you know it’s there it isn’t hard to spot. My head hurts a little bit today, but mostly just from pressure or contact in that area. I blame the snow and how dark it was last night. Which brings me to my next topic.

As much as I love to complain about how commercialized the holiday season has become (example: Christmas stuff in Walmart the day after Halloween), I really do love this time of year. It’s been snowing all night here and it will probably continue through most of the day. As annoying as it can be to travel in, I love how peaceful it makes the world seem. One of the best feelings ever is walking outside in the morning after a decent snowfall. Everything is so quiet and muffled, but the world is incredibly bright. More so than the weather, though, I love the spirit of the holidays.

I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have this time of year to spend with family. Every year we go get a live Christmas tree at Prairie Pines. We’ve been going since I was just a baby, and my parents were probably going before that. There was only one year that we didn’t go to PP and I actually remember exactly where we got our tree that year. And another thing…we’ve never had a fake tree. Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.

In the next few weeks people will be putting up lights all over the place (if they haven’t already). A sort of informal tradition for us is to drive around and look at lights a day or two before Christmas. We usually put some up on our house too. I love driving through neighborhoods with the big houses (and small) that go all out. I’m a big fan of plain white lights or colored lights done tastefully. Sometimes it’s hard to find the balance between looking nice and being gaudy.

There’s another reason I love the holiday season. Except for the last minute rush of the semester and finals week, it is relaxing. I’ve been going nonstop all semester and my weekend breaks with Amber–while wonderful(thank you so much!)–just aren’t the same as a true break like you get between semesters.

I think the thing I like the most about this time of year is that it is one of the only seasons where people really unite. Where so many other things fail to bring people together, we can finally set aside our differences and enjoy the better things in life. It’s about family, friends, and fun. Everybody needs more fun in their lives.

Edit: Did I mention how hard it was for me to get out of bed this morning? With it still so dark, cold, and snowy outside I wanted to stay there all day.

Currently Playing: Ryan Cabrera – True

I’ve waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that’s true
So I will not hide
It’s time to try anything to be with you
All my life I’ve waited
This is true

When Does My Break Start Again?

Oh yeah, that would be tomorrow. I need it. I’ve been busy. But good. Typically lack of posting means I haven’t been at the computer much, but this time it’s kinda reversed. I’ve been on my computer way too much trying to pull together this programming project. It’s not really that close to being done, but it’s due for testing in a week. Somehow I’ve still managed to have some fun though. This weekend was the first in quite a while where I was able to just relax. Although I did miss my roommates antics…

So here’s a little bit of what’s been happening since I was last heard from. I’ve had three tests and gotten scores back on four. One was pushed back due to a “breach of trust” that sparked a class discussion on the day we were supposed to take the test. It’s kind of a strange/long story so ask me if you’re interested. Anyway, in systems design, quant management, database, and LAN my scores all improved and I finally pulled out my first two A’s of the semester. Apparently I know SQL queries better than I thought.

Anyone know how to set up an ASP .net server on their computer? I’ve been wanting to try it for a while to help with testing of this system we’re building, but haven’t had time to look into it.

Amber and I saw the movie National Treasure over the weekend. It was pretty good. Maybe not as funny as The Incredibles, but very entertaining. Certain aspects of it reminded me of The Da Vinci Code.

I finally made my Christmas list. If you’re feeling so inclined, check it out on the right. I change it all the time.

Then there’s Strong Bad. He got an email virus. How unfortunate.

Edit: I can’t believe I forgot the concert! I went and saw Incubus on Thursday in Wichita. I convinced Amber and Erica to go with, and it was pretty good. The band rocked (as expected) but the crowd pretty much sucked.

Currently Playing: Jay-Z & Linkin Park – Encore/Numb

Too Long

Yeah, it’s been a while, but no, I’m not dead. I’m back with excellent news! It looks like Tom Hanks will star as Robert Langdon in the film version of The Da Vinci Code. Considering how much I enjoyed the book, I’ve been anxiously waiting to hear anything about the movie adaptation. I can’t wait!

In other news…three tests last week. I also spent the weekend in Kearney, Nebraska for the 2004 Midwest Affiliate of Collegiate and University Residence Halls (MACURH) Conference. Apparently, Life is a Game. The drive was fun for the most part, the conference was interesting. I wouldn’t say it was a lot of fun, but it wasn’t bad either. Somewhere in the middle. It did kind of give me a sense of being involved with something bigger though. That was cool. Anyway, one of the things on my (long) to do list is to write up a little report about what I learned at the conference so I can present it to our NRHH chapter.

I’ve got LAN lab in about 30 minutes and plenty of other stuff to do today. My group has right around half the time left to finish our Systems Design project and I can safely say we are not even close to being halfway done. Posts may be slow. We’ll just have to see. Have a great week.

Currently Playing: Relient K – High of 75

And now I’m sunny with a High of 75
Since You took my heavy heart
And made it light

And its funny how you find
You enjoy your life
When you’re happy to be alive


Kidd Kraddick has been really funny this morning. Props to them. Yeah, random. I’m putting off studying for my Quantitative Management test and/or my LAN test. Then there’s Database on Thursday so I’ve got my work cut out for me.

The weekend turned out to be pretty good. Saturday morning my dad and I started working on my car to replace some belts. It sounds simple enough and it really should have been. But even though my car is by no means small, things are pretty crammed in there and it makes it hard to get around and loosen stuff up. We spent several hours messing with it and getting nowhere. Meanwhile, some other stuff is going on including Amber getting physically sick and things are not going at all as I’d hoped. We finally gave up on the second belt and just left things as they were for the day. I showered then took Amber some Sprite and crackers. This is where things started to turn around. We talked about some stuff, tried to put away the beginning of the day and finish it well. I convinced my parents we should go to Kobe’s Steak House and then we saw The Incredibles at the Warren Old Towne in Wichita. Good food + funny movie = much better end to the day.

Yesterday was spent running around Wichita passing by places from our past. It was surprising how much some things had changed. We headed back to Manhattan a little later than I thought we would, but we weren’t in a big hurry. I had to be back by 9 for an extreme programming session with my project group. It was incredibly exciting. I think this post might be boring. Something more exciting later.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a really shitty day. Life must have known I was overdue. Here it is!

It’s times like this I wish you could create private posts with Blogger. I might elaborate later, but don’t count on it.

Edit: Now almost 1am, things got much better after about 4pm and the day was salvaged. Still not one of the greatest, but I’m sure you all were(n’t) worried.