
A little more on the Zen Garden designs this page will let you easily switch the styles applied to the page. It’s insane how many there are. If people still don’t understand how it works, just ask me.

So I didn’t go to sleep until about 6:30am this morning. I was too busy having a wonderful conversation with someone very important to me. I love being able to be so completely open about the way I’m feeling and the things on my mind. Somehow we can talk about anything. It’s times like last night that tell me I’ve found the real deal.

OK, Kortney just got here, so now we need to scramble to learn Quantitative Management before our test tomorrow night. Hooray. (Sarcasm)

Currently Playing: Three Doors Down – When I’m Gone

So hold me when I’m here
Right me when I’m wrong
Hold me when I’m scared
And love me when I’m gone

Everything I am
And everything in me
Wants to be the one you wanted me to be
I’ll never let you down
Even if I could
I’d Give up everything
If only for your good
So hold me when I’m here
Right me when I’m wrong

Hooray for Weekends and Friends

I’ve spent the last two hours at the Putnam desk, but unlike most late night shifts, this one has been a lot of fun. Amber, Hannah, and Noel have been here with me playing card games like Egyptian Rat Slap, BS, and now Spoons. I love my friends!

Currently Playing: Frou Frou

Edit: Yeah, we also played War. Gotta love it. Also gotta love Hannah knocking a spoon my way about every other time, even if it didn’t do me any good. I was first out.

Two Down, Two to Go

Tests that is. All of my classes decided it was time. So far I’ve taken Systems Design, and Networking. Next week is Quantitative Management and Database. Not looking forward to either of them. But then again, when does anyone actually want to take a test anyway?

This weekend my goal is to not do what I did last weekend. Although I had a blast, I did absolutely nothing school related and I have a feeling my test scores might reflect that. So for the next three days my goal is to multitask. I plan to have a blast, and study/program/read. Not quite sure how that’s going to work out yet, but I’ll do it somehow.

Now it is my intention to sit down and play video games for several hours.

Currently Playing: Yellowcard – Rough Draft

Finding my own words, my own little stage
My own epic drama, my own scripted page
I’ll send you the rough draft, I’ll seal it with tears
Maybe you’ll read it and I’ll reappear
From the start it was shaky and the characters rash,
A nice setting for heart ache where emotions come last
All I have deep inside, to overcome this desire
Of friendly intentions and fair-weather smiles

Impressive Design

Just saw this on a friend‘s site and thought it was worth sharing. A lot of people won’t truly appreciate it unless they have some understanding of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). I present the Zen Garden.

Basically this demonstrates how someone can use CSS to turn this basic HTML file into this or that, without actually modifying the file itself. Instead it just changes the way in which the text is presented. I’ve dabbled in CSS a little bit, but never done anything anywhere near that extensive. This is the kind of thing that gets me excited about my future profession. Considering that I’ve got to do a little CSS for my next programming assignment, maybe I should take a closer look…

Currently Playing: Ryan Cabrera – On the Way Down

And on the way down
I saw you
And you saved me from myself

Go Olive Garden!

In an effort to put off the inevitable studying for my test tomorrow, I went in search of the J.D. Power and Associates 2004 Restaurant Satisfaction Study. I just heard a little bit about it on the radio. Olive Garden seems to be quite the popular place. It’s too bad we don’t have one here in Manhattan. Italian is so good!

Currently Playing: Teen Girl Squad Issue #4

Cheerleader: I’m totally bummed that school is happening again this year.
Other Three: SO GOOD!!!
Cheerleader: Ya’ll are so wack.
The Ugly One: Wiggidy-wack?
Cheerleader: Nope. Just regular type.

How Could This Happen?

I wish I could freeze time. Capture a single moment to do with it what I please. What would be depends on the moment. This weekend had the two extremes. Moments I would love to hold onto forever. And one moment I would love to capture and throw away forever. I’ll get back to this a little later.

I didn’t end up going out Thursday night, as some of you pointed out. Amber didn’t feel well and I didn’t really feel like going without her. So we just hung out and had a good night without the bars. It’s the first Thursday I haven’t been out since school started, so I didn’t feel too bad about it.

Friday I was semi-productive. I did about an hours worth of programming (things are actually working!) and I also did some stuff for my new position that isn’t really new. Hopefully I’ll have things in the mailroom the way I want them to be by the end of this week. I also had my worthless advising appointment where I told him what I am taking next semester and confirmed that he’s a moron. Still, I had to get my flag lowered and do a “graduation requirement check” or something stupid.

Friday night Amber and I watched Love Actually and despite Jimmy’s complaints about it, I think he liked the movie. The movie case touts it as “The Ultimate Romantic Comedy” and I would have to agree. I mean we tried to count how many love stories there were all within one movie and the number was at least ten. And I’ll have to say that about a month ago I probably would have hated it. I mean not really hated it, because it’s a good movie, but hated it because it would remind me of all the things I was missing. Well, I’ve been working on that. And so instead of hating it, I rather enjoyed it 🙂

Saturday was an awesome day. Lots of times there were those moments that I wanted to capture and save forever. Amber and I drove to KC for the Renaissance Festival since neither of us had ever been. The drive there and back gave us plenty of time to talk, and the Festival was really cool. I didn’t realize it was so big. We didn’t end up buying much of anything (much to my sister’s disappointment), but we are poor college students after all. On the way back we stopped off in Topeka and ate at Olive Garden (we’re suckers for Italian).

We also stopped in at Barnes and Noble to pick up a book and met a couple who was also browsing the children’s section. As we stood there and talked to them for a little bit, the guy asked if we were married. Wow, didn’t expect that. Interesting. It was probably partly due to the fact that the just got married, but I’ll have to say that is the first time that’s ever happened to me. That wasn’t the only interesting thing, though, because apparently they already own their own business. The guy wanted to give me some more information and he’s actually going to be in Manhattan tomorrow night to talk about it, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. Random.

Once we got back we decided to head out to Lake Pottawatomie (a.k.a. State Fishing Lake No. 2 as I found out when I tried to figure out how to spell it). The moon is almost full at this point so it kind of obscured view of the stars, but it was still really cool. Another one of those moments I’d like to save and hang onto for a very long time.

And then I did something incredibly stupid. This would be the moment that I would love to remove from existence. I don’t feel the need to share exactly what happened for the world to read. It wasn’t a huge thing, but it’s the kind of thing that never should have happened. I can’t explain it away, and it would be pointless to try. I’d like to say I can just brush it off and forget about it, but it won’t be easily forgotten. Still, I think damage done was minimal, and I am incredibly thankful for that. Please don’t ask me what happened, because I will not tell you. I know I usually want people to ask me about stuff, but this is one thing I don’t want to talk about. Please respect that.

If I could throw that moment away, the weekend has been awesome. The unfortunate part is that now reality is coming back and I’ve gotta start doing school work again. I’m pretty sure I have a meeting at 10 (which I still need to verify). Ok, I’ve really gotta move on to something more productive. I’m out.

Edit: After looking at this again, the title doesn’t really seem to fit. It was supposed to be more a question of how could all of this good stuff finally be happening to me. So yeah.

From Class

I think it’s impressive how long I put this off. In this case, however, I figure I’m paying more attention while writing a post (although slightly distracted) than if I was totally asleep. We’re talking about switches and how they deal with messages. Yeah. So exciting.

All my classes have tests coming up within the next week or two. Things might get a little stressful. Posts will probably be a little less frequent. I’m sure you’re all sorry to hear it.

10 minutes left to freedom. It’s Thursday, so you know where I’ll be tonight. Hope to see you there.

Work Humor

Things you’d like to say at work but can’t. Except that I probably could because I’ve got an awesome job and no one really cares! Well, that’s not quite true, but close enough.

Seriously though, I can’t think of many jobs like mine. I get paid to sit at a desk and pay attention to people walking by, say hi, and basically do whatever I want (with a few limits). I can’t make a lot of noise. I can’t leave the desk unless the desk is on fire or I’m being threatened. I can’t play an instrument (damn!). I can’t host parties at the desk, although occasionally it happens anyway. One of the best things is having time to do homework (usually), and all I have to do is work on it at the desk and I get paid for it. I can’t complain. Although some of my raises were absorbed when they raised the minimum wage…

Speaking of work, my job responsibilities just got expanded. Most of you reading probably already know that I deliver mail as well as working desk shifts. It’s pretty fun because I get to know lots of names and where everyone lives. The only thing that kinda sucks is that I don’t always have a face to put with a name. Anyway, I like delivering mail, although forwarding all the shiat for people who don’t live here anymore can suck my balls, Mr. Garrison. Anyway, I am now the Strong Complex Mail Manager. Yeah, I know, it’s impressive. Considering I’ve basically been managing the mailroom since day one. The one thing I’m curious about is whether this new title comes with a pay raise…

I’m supposed to be having a discussion with my boss in about 30 minutes to talk about my new responsibilities. Or something. It should be exciting. I’ll be at work already. Or still.

Teh Jimini will mourn this day.

And I thought I was starting to feel old. I take it all back.

The rest of my day will probably be kinda busy. I’m hoping to go get a haircut when I get off work, then head out to the career fair for some schmoozing (how the hell do you spell that anyway?) with employers. After that I’ll be delivering more mail, but this time with a title! My early evening should be pretty open, and then later tonight there’s an ARH Gen Body meeting. I doubt there’s all that much on the agenda, so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Alright, need to call my parents to see about plans for Fall Break. I’m out.

Currently Playing: Bowling for Soup – 1985

It’s just a catchy tune. So catchy.


There are some days I just want to get away from everything and focus only on the best things in life. I woke up this morning and couldn’t help but smile. I’ve been doing that a lot lately, and for some very specific reasons. I find my mind is torn.

For as long as I can really remember I haven’t been in that big of a hurry to get out of this place. I’ve enjoyed (most of) my time here, and I haven’t understood why so many people want to leave so fast. Sometimes (especially in the last few weeks) I’ve just wanted to push the giant pause button on life’s remote control and let the moment last just a little longer. Seems like some things are over before we even realize it. We’re always looking to the next thing. For once I want to think about right now and enjoy everything that comes NOW.

Lately though, I’ve also found myself for the first time wanting to move on. To leave here and start the next chapter of my life. I still have a lot of things to figure out about that next chapter, but I know I’m getting burned out on school. I mean I’m still doing all the things I need to do for classes, but I often find myself truly wishing I was somewhere else, like there are so much more important things out there.

Back to my original thought, I’m ready to escape for a little while and enjoy the best in life. Unfortunately, I’m stuck at work, and so some of the best things in life are decidedly unattainable at the moment. At least one of those best things is also in class. I guess I’ll make due with what I’ve got.

I’m listening to the album Details by Frou Frou for the second time this morning. The Van Zile desk is pretty quiet from 8am to noon, so I’m just letting the music wash over me and letting my mind wander. It’s so easy for me to get lost in the music.

As my mind wanders I’ve been wandering online as well. A few interesting things out there. Matt made an interesting observation over on his Xanga. Check out the second to last line of his latest entry.

This is just frightening(ly accurate).

Inmates with playtime to build an underground fort outside the prison fence. Just wonderful.

Ok, I just found a discussion thread about music. I haven’t gotten very far, but there were a few comments that stuck out to me.

Listen to music – don’t compare it to what is or what was. Every tune, every melody, every beat, is it’s own entity. Are there any Led Zeppelins out there? Any Jim Morrisons? Any new BBKings? Any Stevie Rays? Nope. There can only be one of anything and anyone. I love music. If you try to categorize it when you listen to it, you aren’t really listening – you are thinking too much.

Well, being a very critical person by nature (much to my wife’s annoyance), i enjoy picking apart music, going over it in my head, turning up a favorite part of a song real loud in my car nodding my head as my wife has a disgusted grimace on her face. it’s what i do. i do compare, i do criticise. BTW, who heard the newest SUM41 song. it’s a goddam carbon copy of System of a Down, to the highest degree. but i enjoy finding things like that. to me, rock music is a thinking journey, and emotional as well. without the criticism and comparisons and discussions, its difficult to share. thats why i started this thread.

Irony: a next day package just came for someone. I sign for it, then I check the name…it’s for me. Must be the third try to get me the iPod case I ordered like a month ago. Let’s see if they got it right this time.

Hallelujah. Third time’s a charm. Now the real question is whether or not they’ll credit me to send back the other two cases or not. Time will tell.

Ok, that’s enough for now. Didn’t realize this was getting so long. If you’re still reading, thanks. Maybe I’ll do some real work now.

I couldn’t pick between these two songs as they both seemed appropriate regarding recent events. Enjoy them both.

Currently Playing: Frou Frou – Let Go

Drink up baby down
Are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
‘Cause it’s all going off without you
Excuse me too busy you’re writing a tragedy
These mess-ups
You bubble-wrap
When you’ve no idea what you’re like

So, let go
Jump in
Oh well, whatcha waiting for?
It’s all right
‘Cause there’s beauty in the breakdown
So, let go
Just get in
Oh, it’s so amazing here
It’s all right
‘Cause there’s beauty in the breakdown

It gains the more it gives
And then advances with the form
So, honey, back for more
Can’t you see that all the stuff’s essential?
Such boundless pleasure
We’ve no time for later
Now you can wait
You roll your eyes
We’ve twenty seconds to comply

Also Playing: Frou Frou – Must be Dreaming

Pay close attention
Don’t listen to me from now
George will be flying this one
And it’s anyone’s guess how he does it
This is my turn
Wrong universe
You’re taking me in full bloom
Careful with that there
See what you made me do

Must be dreaming
Oh, we’re on to something
Must be dreaming
For, I don’t fall in love like this
Must be dreaming
Oh, wish me to waking
So one day I’ll be yours
As long as I’m losing it so completely

The century calls
They come and collide in me
Soon and in hearts
Oh! While I go helplessly
Sky high magic
I sugar rush
And don’t stop

Must be dreaming
Oh, we’re on to something
Must be dreaming
For, I don’t fall in love like this
Must be dreaming
Oh, wish me to waking
So one day I’ll be yours
As long as I’m losing it so completely